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6 healthy grill recipes for your Fourth of July BBQ

Fourth of July calls for a celebration with fireworks, friends, and, of course, food.

Hamburgers and hot dogs are standard fares for a Fourth of July BBQ, but they’re not always the most nutritious options. They’re full of fat, and red meat like beef isn’t the best for your heart. A burger or hot dog here and there won’t hurt, so feel free to enjoy them in moderation. However, don’t be afraid to expand your palate during these summer holidays and try one or more of these six healthy grill recipes for the Fourth of July.

Shrimp burger

We often eat shrimp as an appetizer, whether it’s on a skewer, in ceviche, or dunked in cocktail sauce. Why not make this delicious side dish part of the main event? This shrimp burger recipe from the New York Times is packed with protein, and the mineral selenium (found in shrimp) is good for your heart. You can make the burger even healthier by swapping regular toasted buns for whole-wheat buns, which are full of fiber and digest more slowly. It also keeps your blood sugar levels steady, so you feel fuller longer. If you’re on a low-carb diet, swap out the buns for a lettuce wrap or sandwich the burger between two thick slices of beefsteak tomatoes.

Watermelon burgers with cheese

Combine two of the season’s favorite things — watermelon and grilling — with this recipe from the New York Times. Cheese and watermelon make for a unique combination, but it’s a perfect balance of sweet, salty, and savory flavors. Since watermelon is more than 90 percent water, it’s also the perfect way to stay hydrated in the summer heat. Cheese also has bone-strengthening calcium and protein that fortifies our muscles. If you’re keeping an eye on your fat intake, opt for a reduced-fat version of your favorite cheese (feta tastes especially delicious with watermelon).


Grilled scallop skewers

This protein-packed recipe from Bon Appétit switches out the high fat and cholesterol in steak for light, fresh scallops on skewers. Like shrimp, scallops have tons of selenium and also have immune-boosting zinc and energizing magnesium. This recipe also includes a half-teaspoon of ginger, a spice with anti-inflammatory properties. Though a half teaspoon may not be enough ginger to reap all these inflammation-fighting benefits, it does add the perfect amount of spice to the dish. Last, the addition of lime juice makes this the perfect dish for a light and summery vibe.

Grilled crispy-skinned salmon with whole lemon-sesame sauce

This Bon Appétit recipe elevates the humble salmon, turning it into a five-star dish. This pink fish is full of Omega-3 fatty acids that combat inflammation, boost metabolic health, reduce blood pressure in adults with hypertension, and lower the risk of breast cancer. Omega-3s can give you an aesthetic boost as well, combating dry skin and promoting hair growth. For this recipe, a spritz of lemon brings this dish the brightness it needs to balance the bitterness of the sesame oil.


Easiest-ever grilled veggie burgers

There are aisles full of delicious frozen veggie burgers at the grocery store, but there’s just something special about meatless burgers from scratch. This Bon Appétit recipe brings us a delicious and easy veggie patty recipe that even the most amateur grillers can fire up. The patty calls for nutrition-packed ingredients like black beans, flaxseed, and quinoa. Black beans are a plant-based protein with fiber and folate, a vitamin that helps you maintain red and white blood cells. Quinoa contains quercetin, an anti-inflammatory molecule, and flaxseed is another good source of Omega-3s.

Grilled spiced snapper with mango and red onion salad

Swap a basic romaine-lettuce salad for something a little more interesting at this year’s BBQ. This Bon Appétit recipe is a little sweet and packed with protein. The sweet mango is full of immune-boosting vitamin A that helps your body heal from infections more efficiently. Mango also boasts high levels of folate, magnesium, and amylases (digestive enzymes that bolster gut health). Snapper is a low-calorie fish that’s lean, firm, and even tastes a little sweet. The recipe asks you to grill the whole fish with its head intact but walks you through the process so beginners can follow this recipe as well.

Fourth of July barbecues are fun, but the menu isn’t always the most nutritious. If you’re looking to maintain a nutritious diet, there are plenty of alternative protein and fiber-packed recipes that you can throw on the grill alongside the more traditional offerings. With these simple tweaks, you can enjoy seasonal barbecue favorites without indigestion and heartburn. Plus, you’ll be full of all the energy and nutrients you need to sustain yourself all through the day, whether you’re jumping in the pool, running around the badminton court, or trying your hand at cornhole.

BlissMark provides information regarding health, wellness, and beauty. The information within this article is not intended to be medical advice. Before starting any diet or exercise routine, consult your physician. If you don’t have a primary care physician, the United States Health & Human Services department has a free online tool that can help you locate a clinic in your area. We are not medical professionals, have not verified or vetted any programs, and in no way intend our content to be anything more than informative and inspiring.

BethAnn Mayer
Beth Ann's work has appeared on and In her spare time, you can find her running (either marathons…
5 healthy tortilla alternatives for your low-carb lifestyle

Tortillas are a pantry staple: They’re easy, versatile, and typically keep for a pretty long time before becoming inedible. You can use them for sandwiches, tacos, and even cut them into triangles to make pita chips. However, as is often the case with carbs, not all tortillas are created equal.
Some aren’t that good for you — they’re full of empty carbs and calories that don’t fill you up, leaving you hungry not long after you've finished the meal. The good news is that there are also healthy tortillas out there, whether you're in the hard or soft-taco-loving crowd. If you’re looking to fill your body with nutritious food, this guide will help you make the best tortilla choices at the grocery store.

What makes a healthy tortilla
Tortillas are full of carbohydrates, and though carbs have gotten a bad rep over the years, they are essential. Carbs break down into the primary fuel source for your body: glucose. Glucose is particularly critical for your mind since your brain cannot store other types of fuel like fat or proteins.
There are two types of carbs, simple and complex. Simple carbs are found naturally in fruit but also in processed foods like white bread. Complex carbs, like those found in whole grains, break down slowly and are full of fiber that keeps your digestive system running and ensures you feel full and energetic for hours.

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Sugar-free yogurts that will keep you coming back for more
sugar free yogurt in mug

Cutting down on sugar is pretty sweet for your body. A low-sugar diet reduces the risk of diabetes and heart disease and ensures you won't suffer a mid-day sugar crash. Unfortunately, there is too much added sugar in most American diets, making us prone to inflammation, weight gain, and type 2 diabetes in addition to cardiovascular risk.
A low sugar lifestyle can be a challenge if yogurt is part of your daily diet. Yogurt boasts a plethora of necessary nutrients including calcium, protein, and good-for-your-gut probiotics. The small containers are easy to tote anywhere, making this easy snack food a favorite of the on-the-go crowd.
Yogurt, despite its good reputation, can have double-digit grams of sugar. Dairy products, like cow’s milk and yogurt, have healthy natural sugars, so you don't necessarily need to find a sugar-free brand. It is important, however, to find a container that doesn’t have any added sugar, so that you can reap its benefits without the not-so-sweet side effects. Ready for a change in your yogurt routine? These no-sugar-added yogurts are essential to morning, snack time, or even dessert routine.

Oikos Triple Zero Vanilla
True to its name, Oikos Triple Zero Vanilla Greek yogurt avoids added sugar, artificial sweeteners, and fat. This no-added-sugar yogurt also packs in 15 grams of protein (30 percent of the recommended daily value), which keeps you feeling fuller longer while also strengthening muscle tissue. The natural sugars in this Greek yogurt keep it lightly sweet, and the texture is perfectly creamy and dreamy.  While it doesn’t taste quite like vanilla ice cream, it is a lighter, healthier substitute. If you're looking to liven it up a bit, consider adding some fresh berries, granola, or dark chocolate.

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4 warning signs of an unhealthy gut (and how to fix it)
a woman on the couch with a stomach ache

Gut health is vital to our overall well-being. If your stomach constantly hurts, you may find yourself in the doctor’s office more often and frequently calling out of work. Even when you are working, it may impede your overall ability to stay on task. The whole thing can feel deflating and stressful.
Before you can fix the problem, you need to recognize that one exists. Early detection of an unhealthy gut can prevent things from getting worse. There are several warning signs of poor gut health, and you may experience one more of them. Here are four common flags, plus advice on how to clean your gut.

Common symptoms of poor gut health
Poor gut health can have physical and mood-related symptoms, and some signs are more evident than others. Here’s what to look out for when evaluating the situation.

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