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A simple guide to clean and sustainable seafood

Beyond delighting your taste buds, eating fish also delivers great benefits to your health. Salmon and shrimp are incredibly heart-healthy, while oysters are a low-cal appetizer packed with zinc and vitamin D. However, is eating fish isn’t always as healthy for the environment as it is for you. While not all food is sustainably sourced, with a few tips and tricks, you can find the products that are.

So why is sustainably sourced seafood so important in the first place? Well, as we consume more seafood, it can lead to overfishing which can wreak havoc on the entire marine ecosystem. Instead, sustainable seafood:

  • Minimizes by-catch (accidentally catching the wrong species, something that often happens when fishers cast a wide net)
  • Rebuilds stocks
  • Protects protected and endangered species
  • Focuses on habitat conservation

By eating sustainable seafood, we can ensure our aquatic ecosystems can thrive, and future generations of humans and fish alike can enjoy all the oceans have to offer. Consider this your guide to clean and sustainable seafood.

Elle Hughes/Pexels

How to read a label for sustainable seafood

Brands use a lot of buzzwords to market their items as clean, making it difficult to determine what products really are the best choices. Labels like “organic” or “fresh caught” don’t always mean the product is sustainable. Unfortunately, there’s not a well-regulated, quick-and-easy way to truly tell if your seafood is sustainable from the label alone. However, there are a few tips to get a pretty good idea.

First, see if it is certified by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), a council that assesses sustainability as well as a product’s impact on fish populations. Unfortunately, having MSC on the label doesn’t guarantee it’s 100 percent sustainable, the FTC reported, but it is likely more sustainable than uncertified options. The same goes for certifications from the Aquaculture Stewardship Council and Best Aquaculture Practices.

Huy Phan/Pexels

Get to know your seafood source

In the absence of a far-reaching and well-regulated system to assess and label sustainable seafood, your best bet may be chatting up the staff at your local fish market. They’ll be able to tell you more about where your fish came from and what standards the fishermen used. Consider asking the following:

  • I’m looking to buy sustainably. What would you suggest?
  • How and where was the fish caught or farmed?
  • What type of equipment did the people catching the fish use? Did they use wide nets?
  • Did they remove by-catches and put them back in the water?

Further, if you’re going out to eat, consider a seafood restaurant instead of one with more general cuisines.

The best resource for finding sustainable seafood

It may also help to do a little research before you head to the store. Monetary Bay Seafood Watch makes finding sustainable seafood a breeze. This searchable database allows users to browse through all kinds of seafood so you can choose the best, more sustainable option. The interface is extremely easy to use — it’s essentially like Google for sustainable seafood. The organization categorizes products by:

  • Best choice: Seafood Watch knows the fish comes from a well-managed source that catches or farms responsibly.
  • Good Alternative: These products are okay to buy, but there may be some concerns about how the food was caught, farmed, or managed.
  • Eco-certified: These products are certified and considered on-par with good alternative seafood or better.
  • Avoid: Right now, these products are overfished or not caught or farmed in a sustainable manner. It’s best to skip them, at least for now.

Eating sustainable seafood is an investment in the future of fish. It ensures that fishing companies are catching the correct species, not overfishing, and rebuilding stocks, and keeping the aquatic ecosystem intact. By using our guide to clean and sustainable seafood, you can enjoy your seafood guilt-free. Be an informed consumer and research your favorite products or speak to sellers to learn more about where your food comes from and its impact on the marine ecosystem.

BlissMark provides information regarding health, wellness, and beauty. The information within this article is not intended to be medical advice. Before starting any diet or exercise routine, consult your physician. If you don’t have a primary care physician, the United States Health & Human Services department has a free online tool that can help you locate a clinic in your area. We are not medical professionals, have not verified or vetted any programs, and in no way intend our content to be anything more than informative and inspiring.

BethAnn Mayer
Beth Ann's work has appeared on and In her spare time, you can find her running (either marathons…
What are microgreens? We take a closer look
what are microgreens a closeup of

Can small vegetable greens pack a punch for your health and tastebuds? That’s what chefs in California were betting on when they added microgreens to their menus in the 1980s.
What are microgreens? The U.S. Dept. of Agriculture says microgreens is technically a marketing term, and it refers to small green vegetables that come in many flavors, including spicy and sweet.
What are microgreens not? The term microgreens is often used interchangeably with sprouts or baby vegetables, but they are different.
People harvest sprouts after two to seven days. Microgreens are harvested one to three weeks after germination. By the time microgreens are harvested, their true leaves will have developed but not fully expanded.  They’re typically about one to three inches tall, making them smaller than baby greens.
Despite their size, microgreens boast health benefits, and there are multiple types to consider. Let’s grow your knowledge.

What are some of the most popular types of microgreens?
There are many types of microgreens to choose from when crafting a menu. You can grow them from hundreds of different kinds of seeds. Once they’re all grown up, microgreens boast a variety of flavors and textures, from sweet to spicy and from crunchy to soft. Some of the most common types include:

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5 healthy tortilla alternatives for your low-carb lifestyle

Tortillas are a pantry staple: They’re easy, versatile, and typically keep for a pretty long time before becoming inedible. You can use them for sandwiches, tacos, and even cut them into triangles to make pita chips. However, as is often the case with carbs, not all tortillas are created equal.
Some aren’t that good for you — they’re full of empty carbs and calories that don’t fill you up, leaving you hungry not long after you've finished the meal. The good news is that there are also healthy tortillas out there, whether you're in the hard or soft-taco-loving crowd. If you’re looking to fill your body with nutritious food, this guide will help you make the best tortilla choices at the grocery store.

What makes a healthy tortilla
Tortillas are full of carbohydrates, and though carbs have gotten a bad rep over the years, they are essential. Carbs break down into the primary fuel source for your body: glucose. Glucose is particularly critical for your mind since your brain cannot store other types of fuel like fat or proteins.
There are two types of carbs, simple and complex. Simple carbs are found naturally in fruit but also in processed foods like white bread. Complex carbs, like those found in whole grains, break down slowly and are full of fiber that keeps your digestive system running and ensures you feel full and energetic for hours.

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Sugar-free yogurts that will keep you coming back for more
sugar free yogurt in mug

Cutting down on sugar is pretty sweet for your body. A low-sugar diet reduces the risk of diabetes and heart disease and ensures you won't suffer a mid-day sugar crash. Unfortunately, there is too much added sugar in most American diets, making us prone to inflammation, weight gain, and type 2 diabetes in addition to cardiovascular risk.
A low sugar lifestyle can be a challenge if yogurt is part of your daily diet. Yogurt boasts a plethora of necessary nutrients including calcium, protein, and good-for-your-gut probiotics. The small containers are easy to tote anywhere, making this easy snack food a favorite of the on-the-go crowd.
Yogurt, despite its good reputation, can have double-digit grams of sugar. Dairy products, like cow’s milk and yogurt, have healthy natural sugars, so you don't necessarily need to find a sugar-free brand. It is important, however, to find a container that doesn’t have any added sugar, so that you can reap its benefits without the not-so-sweet side effects. Ready for a change in your yogurt routine? These no-sugar-added yogurts are essential to morning, snack time, or even dessert routine.

Oikos Triple Zero Vanilla
True to its name, Oikos Triple Zero Vanilla Greek yogurt avoids added sugar, artificial sweeteners, and fat. This no-added-sugar yogurt also packs in 15 grams of protein (30 percent of the recommended daily value), which keeps you feeling fuller longer while also strengthening muscle tissue. The natural sugars in this Greek yogurt keep it lightly sweet, and the texture is perfectly creamy and dreamy.  While it doesn’t taste quite like vanilla ice cream, it is a lighter, healthier substitute. If you're looking to liven it up a bit, consider adding some fresh berries, granola, or dark chocolate.

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