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Now is the best time to Marie Kondo your mind — here’s how

Marie Kondo’s Netflix series Tidying Up revolutionized the way we think about organization. The Kondo method asks us to change our relationship with our belongings, considering their usefulness and personal value. While organizing your space, Kondo instructs you to thank items that don’t spark joy, reflect on what they once meant to you, and part with them.

This raises the question, though: Can you try this Marie Kondo method for your mind?

Sometimes, we may have goals, mindsets, and other considerations that no longer suit us or our changing lifestyles. Other times, they still do and just need to be adjusted. Clearing the clutter and simplifying our thoughts allows us to make mental room for what really matters. Try out these Marie Kondo tips to get free up some headspace.

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Step 1: Set an intention

In her de-cluttering course, Kondo asks students to imagine their ideal lifestyle. Maybe you want to stress less with a better work-life balance, or perhaps you’re trying to heal from a rough breakup so you can build a happy relationship with someone new. Think about what you want, and set precise, measurable goals.

Here’s the catch: In the Kondo method, part of setting an intention to de-clutter is resolving to do it in one giant swoop. The Kondo method requires students to tidy up their homes in what she calls a “tidying festival,” rather than splitting up the work over a few weekends or months. Unlike refreshing your physical space, cleansing your mind is often a long journey that’s constantly evolving. That’s okay. You can modify your mindset and goals over time. However, making a general plan gives you a template to look back on if you ever need to make tweaks to your lifestyle.

Step 2: Decide what to keep

De-cluttering isn’t just about getting rid of things. It’s also about identifying what you need to keep and why. While doing this mental audit and sifting through your thoughts, habits, and relationships, don’t forget to also evaluate what’s going well in your life. What do you love? What brings you joy? If your nightly meditation routine helps you sleep or a certain type of music gets you revved up to exercise in the morning, keep those habits around.

As you’re deciding what to keep, ask yourself:

  • What thoughts, relationships, and habits do I want to continue to have? Why is this important to me, and how does it play into my mindset?
  • Do I engage with this thought, relationship, or habit often enough, or am I constantly doing something else? Why do I think this is the case?
  • If I keep this mindset, habit, or relationship, how will I use it to fit the mindset that I want to have?

Step 3: Decide what to fix

Some things in life that don’t spark joy don’t necessarily need to be thrown out. Often, they just need to be fixed. If any aspect of your life isn’t quite working, whether it’s your career, relationship, or workout routine, consider making adjustments so that it better meets your needs. Also, some things in life, like the relationships we have with our friends, bodies, and community, cannot be thrown away. However, we can work on these relationships to make them more positive over time. Keep these things in mind as you evaluate what’s worth fixing:

  • What does this mindset mean to me? How does this habit or relationship fit my ideal lifestyle and mindset? Was this working before, and if so, why isn’t it working now?
  • Why is it worth fixing?
  • How can I fix it? (This might mean seeing a therapist or having a hard conversation with a friend about how some of her words hurt you.)
Vlada Karpovich/Pexels

Step 4: Decide what to toss

Not everything can be kept or fixed. Sometimes, it’s best to bid something, such as a toxic relationship, farewell. When something causes us stress, it prevents us from making room for joy, even if it once made us happy. You don’t need to feel guilty — it’s hard to say goodbye. Kondo teaches you to thank the item for what it’s done for you. Think through how you grew and changed as a result of the experience, and move forward, acknowledging all of your growth.

You might be able to clear all of the dust and junk out of your room, but it’s just about impossible to clear all the stress and anxieties from your mind. However, organizing your thoughts and setting goals can ensure you aren’t wasting mental energy on things that aren’t helping you live your best life.

BlissMark provides information regarding health, wellness, and beauty. The information within this article is not intended to be medical advice. Before starting any diet or exercise routine, consult your physician. If you don’t have a primary care physician, the United States Health & Human Services department has a free online tool that can help you locate a clinic in your area. We are not medical professionals, have not verified or vetted any programs, and in no way intend our content to be anything more than informative and inspiring.

BethAnn Mayer
Beth Ann's work has appeared on and In her spare time, you can find her running (either marathons…
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