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The 7 best fact-checking sites to verify what you read on Facebook

“Fake news” may well become the phrase of the decade. There is so much misinformation on the internet nowadays that can be spread deliberately through social media, and Facebook in particular has become a hub for fake news. One recent study found that misinformation disseminates faster on Facebook than on any other platform, including Twitter, Google, and email.

Though Facebook has recently enacted measures aimed to stop false news, staying vigilant is more important than ever. Knowing how to distinguish fact from fiction is a crucial skill to have in the digital age. While it may be difficult to tell on your own, there are a variety of tools that can help. These are the seven best fact-check sites to add to your bookmarks.

Phone with Facebook open
Solen Feyissa/Unsplash

Media Bias/FactCheck (MBFC News)

MBFC is the organization that fact checks the fact-checkers. This site analyzes and rates other fact-checking sites, news websites, and browser extensions. It assesses the biases of these other websites based on sourcing, biased wording, political affiliation, and story choices, among other factors. On the site, you can also find lists of news sources with different biases (left, right, extreme) and websites known for using questionable sources or promoting pseudoscience. All of the other fact-checkers on this list have been rated as reliable by MBFC.


Snopes is one of the most popular fact-checking sites on the web. When the site first launched, it was used mainly to debunk urban legends, myths, conspiracy theories, rumors, and other common misconceptions. In recent years, it has grown to cover all types of misinformation, including political statements. Snopes is also quick to pick up on memes and viral videos, so if you’re having trouble determining whether a trending story is true or not, Snopes is the go-to.


If you want to investigate a political claim, PolitiFact is one of the best websites to use. It is a non-partisan site that focuses on fact-checking United States politics. They tackle subjects like statements from politicians, political topics, and political news in general. During election season, PolitiFact always reviews and rates the truthfulness of candidates’ promises on the campaign trail and statements on the debate stage.

One of this site’s standout features is its “Truth-o-Meter” which measures how trustworthy something is: true, half true, mostly false, and “pants on fire.” It also has an app called PolitiTruth, which is designed to test people’s political knowledge and vulnerability to fake news.

Lead Stories

Lead Stories helps debunk misinformation in a variety of sectors including entertainment, politics, tech, and international news. This website uses the Trendolizer search engine to find trending stories and identify which ones are true and which are not. With this tool, the site is able to debunk stories that are new and quickly gaining traction. The website has also partnered with Facebook as part of the social media company’s effort to fight misinformation. has also partnered with Facebook to help combat the fake news epidemic. This non-partisan fact-checking site focuses primarily on U.S. politics and viral fake news stories. Users can also submit their own questions to the site in order to learn the truth. has a well-established history of journalistic integrity, plus it’s a nonprofit, meaning it’s only accountable to the truth, not profits.

Hoax Slayer

This fact-checking website focuses mainly on debunking viral pop culture falsehoods and myths. Hoax Slayer has tackled phishing scams, social media rumors, viral privacy policy myths, Facebook scams, and so much more. While this website is smaller than many of the others on the list, it has an excellent rating from MBFC for its neutrality and reporting. is one of the oldest fact-checking sites on the web. Though it originally started as a site for debunking internet rumors and hoaxes, it has grown to take on viral content, political news, and general fake news. The site breaks down each story, looks at the origins of the story, and determines which elements are correct and where the viral story diverges from the truth. Stories are then rated based on their reliability.

Knowing how to fact-check stories and rumors you see on the internet is more vital than ever these days. Fake news is seemingly everywhere, and it disperses faster on Facebook than anywhere else. But, by using the tools available for free online, you can learn to separate fact from fiction and do your part to stop the spread of misinformation in its tracks.

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Shannon Cooper
Freelance writer
Shannon Cooper has written about everything from pet care and travel to finance and plumbing in her seven years as a writer…
7 creative ways to raise awareness for a cause
Two women looking at a computer

Raising awareness for a worthy cause is getting harder and harder these days. In-person and online, the competition to attract and keep people's attention is fierce. While social media is a fantastic tool to spread your message, it’s far too easy to get drowned out amongst the noise. So how can you teach people about your cause and garner their support? Keep reading to learn how to raise awareness creatively so that your cause is one they’ll never forget.

Start a blog
Creating a blog is a great way to share information and insight about your cause. You can write short blog posts about the issue, why you’re passionate about it, and how people can help. Don’t be afraid to get personal; including posts about yourself and why the cause is important to you can help you to relate to your audience on an individual level. People will feel more connected to your cause, all while learning the pertinent facts about it.
Throw a movie night
Host a movie screening in a park or local movie theater. You can choose a film or documentary with a subject related to your cause. Before or after the screening, give a speech about your cause and let people know how they can get involved. You can also charge for admission and ask for donations to cover the costs of putting on the event or to fundraise for your organization.
Create a social media contest
Remember when Ice Bucket Challenge videos flooded social media? The viral challenge helped to raise awareness of and donations for ALS and organizations that research it. Try to come up with a similar challenge for your cause. Or, you can run a contest and offer a prize for the winners. This can help spread awareness about your issue and build an audience to continue sharing the message with in the future.

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Do protests really work? What you need to know
Person holding a sign at a protest

If you’ve only seen a protest on the news or in movies, it’s almost impossible to know what it’s really like to take part. Simply put, a protest is an event where people gather to express their views about a societal ill. These events can have many goals and many different ways of reaching those goals. But why do people protest? And do protests really work? If you are curious to learn more about this sort of activism, read on.

Why do protests happen?
In the words of Martin Luther King Jr, “a riot is the language of the unheard.” Protests happen when people want to bring attention to a social issue or can no longer endure an injustice. Though the specific events that lead to a rally vary from situation to situation, the primary motivators are often the same. However, researchers from the Netherlands believe there are five main reasons why people protest.
• Grievances: people are upset about something and demand a change
• Efficacy: the belief that policy or societal conditions can be improved
• Identity: if someone identifies with a group, they are more likely to participate in demonstrations that support the group
• Emotions: feelings, like anger, prompt people to act
• Social embeddedness: people unite as a group to protest shared grievances
These factors inspire people to mobilize and take to the streets for a common goal.

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The best Juneteenth books to educate yourself on its history
Woman reading a book in bed

Juneteenth is a crucial day in American history and one that has gained renewed recognition and interest in recent years. This holiday commemorates the day the last group of slaves in the South heard about Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation and were freed. This was on June 19, 1865, more than two years after the proclamation was enacted on January 1, 1863. While not an official national holiday, Juneteenth has been celebrated in some form since the Reconstruction era. However, the story of this day is not taught in most American schools, leaving many people in the dark about this historic event. Learn more about this holiday by reading these five Juneteenth-themed books.

Juneteenth by Ralph Ellison
The follow-up novel to Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man, Juneteenth is truly a masterpiece. It touches on the political and social realities of a time in America after slavery has ended, but true freedom is still just a concept. This unfinished work is just a small portion of the several thousand-page manuscript Ellison worked on for 40 years prior to his death. A modern classic, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in American culture and the Black experience.
On Juneteenth by Annette Gordon-Reed
This newly released nonfiction work tells the story of Juneteenth and its significance to American history. On Juneteenth also ties in personal recollections from Annette Gordon-Reed, a Pulitzer Prize-winning historian, Texas native, and descendant of enslaved people. The book is an essential historical account that all should read, reminding us of the ever-present fight for equality that continues to this day.
Come Juneteenth by Ann Rinaldi
Ann Rinaldi is one of the most well-known young adult historical fiction writers to date, and Come Juneteenth does not disappoint. This novel follows a young protagonist, Sis Goose, who is considered a much-loved member of a white plantation-owning family despite being born a slave. When she learns about the Emancipation Proclamation and how her so-called family kept the truth from her, she runs away. This enthralling novel is an excellent read for people of all ages.
Juneteenth: A Celebration of Freedom by Charles A. Taylor
While Juneteenth: A Celebration of Freedom is a children’s book, it presents the historical account in an informative and accessible way for both kids and adults. The book is full of historical documents, archive photographs, and illustrations that make it engaging for readers of all ages. It’s a great tool to teach your kids about the history and joy of Juneteenth, and you may learn a lot from it as well!
The Brightest Day: A Juneteenth Historical Romance Anthology
This anthology features four historical romance novellas from authors Lena Hart, Kianna Alexander, Piper Huguley, and Alyssa Cole, plus a foreword by Beverly Jenkins. All of the stories in The Brightest Day centers on the joy and love that is celebrated on this holiday. Each one takes place during a different era in American history, making this interesting collection essential for any Juneteenth reading list.

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