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7 easy things you can do to fight climate change

With the recent publishing of the United Nation’s latest climate change report, global warming is at the top of everyone’s mind. And spoiler alert: things are not looking good.

Many feel overwhelmed as the issue is complicated and will require aggressive action on a global scale to combat. But there is still hope for a safer future, and you can play a role. We all can small changes in our daily lives to lower our impact on the environment. Here are a few ideas to help you get started.

Person filling a reusable water bottle in the sink
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Swap your disposable products for reusable ones

Look around your home and note all the items that you use once and throw away. With plastic straws, paper plates, plastic shopping bags, plastic wrap, and water bottles, you may be surprised at how many products are designed to be disposed of after a single use. These objects often end up in landfills, where they will remain for years, releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. When it’s time to replace these items, look for alternatives that you can use again and again, like refillable water bottles, canvas shopping totes, silicone straws, and beeswax food wrap.

Make your transportation green

For most Americans, cars are one of the biggest contributors to their individual carbon footprints. But you don’t have to give up your vehicle completely to make your transportation greener. Instead of driving everywhere, walk, bike, or take public transportation whenever possible. Carpool, whenever you can, to limit the number of vehicles on the road. Properly maintain your car by completing frequent oil changes and inflating the tires to the correct pressure; this lowers your impact and helps your vehicle run more efficiently. Fly less often, if you can, or trade your plane ticket for a train ticket.

Woman eating a salad at her desk
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Eat less meat

Factory farming is a massive contributor to climate change, releasing toxic methane and other gases into the environment and damaging nutrients in the land. One way you fight climate change is by eating less meat, especially red meat. Begin by replacing one or two meat-heavy meals a week with vegetarian or vegan ones. When you are shopping for meat, try to look for locally sourced and grass-fed options.

Eliminate food waste

Experts estimate that 30% to 40% of the United States food supply ends up as food waste. While consumers don’t account for all this waste, you can make a difference by reducing food waste at home. Plan out your meals and only purchase food that you’ll eat within the week. Freeze anything that you aren’t going to eat right away. Make new meals from your leftovers instead of throwing them out. In doing so, you can lower your environmental impact and save some money in the process.

Shop less in general

Changing your shopping habits is essential to fighting climate change. While it’s good to purchase eco-friendly products, it’s even better not to purchase anything at all. Try to cut down on the number of products your buy and consume. Repair faulty items instead of tossing them out and replacing them. When you must go shopping, prioritize second-hand shops and companies with environmentally conscious business practices.

Solar farm with a partly cloudy sky
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Make simple changes around the home

You can also make your home eco-friendlier using some of these easy changes.

  • Switch to renewable energy. You don’t have to install solar panels on your home; many energy companies will allow customers to choose their energy source, so you can opt-in for solar or wind power.
  • Turn off lights and unplug appliances when you are not using them.
  • Replace your incandescent lightbulbs with LED bulbs, which last longer and use less energy.
  • Keep the temperature in your home stable by using a programmable thermostat.
  • Turn down the temperature of your water heater and set it to no more than 120 degrees.
  • Use a laptop instead of a desktop computer because it uses less electricity.
  • Set your refrigerator temperature to 35-38 degrees and your freezer to zero degrees.

Divest from the fossil fuel industry

Use your money to support your ethics. If you currently have investments in the fossil fuel industry, adjust your portfolio to include environmentally-friendly and socially responsible investments only. Check out this helpful resource from Green America to learn about divesting from fossil fuels. Even if you don’t have any current investments, consider switching to an eco-friendly bank or credit union that doesn’t profit from fossil fuels.

Climate change is a huge and overwhelming issue, but don’t give in to despair. There are countless small changes you can make to help the cause, many of which are simple to enact. Start with a few of the easy changes mentioned above and support eco-friendly political action whenever you can. While it may not seem like much, every little thing you do can make a difference in the fight against climate change.

BlissMark provides information regarding health, wellness, and beauty. The information within this article is not intended to be medical advice. Before starting any diet or exercise routine, consult your physician. If you don’t have a primary care physician, the United States Health & Human Services department has a free online tool that can help you locate a clinic in your area. We are not medical professionals, have not verified or vetted any programs, and in no way intend our content to be anything more than informative and inspiring.

Shannon Cooper
Freelance writer
Shannon Cooper has written about everything from pet care and travel to finance and plumbing in her seven years as a writer…
What you should do to keep condiments from leaving a sticky mess
Variety of condiments in serving bowls

Nobody likes a sticky kitchen mess. They’re hard to clean up, plus they can attract all sorts of pests. But if you’re a condiment lover, you’re probably overly familiar with these spills. At some point, you’ve probably opened your pantry to a mysterious puddle forming on the shelf. These messes, while annoying, are fortunately pretty easy to avert with a bit of creativity and planning. Keep reading to learn more about cleaning up and preventing messes from condiments in your refrigerator and pantry.

Clean up the mess
Before you take any measures to prevent spillage, clean up any existing messes. Wipe up any fresh spills using a paper towel or reusable cloth. If the residue is sticky or tough to remove, wet a cloth with hot water and lay it on top of the stain to soften it. After five minutes (or longer for stuck-on messes), you should be able to wipe it off with ease. You can use your favorite store-bought cleaner or try this DIY, all-natural kitchen cleaner from The Kitchn.
• 16-oz spray bottle
• 1 cup distilled white vinegar
• 1 cup water
• 3 drops tea tree oil
• 3 drops grapefruit oil
This cleaning product is super easy to make. Pour the vinegar and water into the spray bottle — you can use a funnel if needed. Then, slowly add the essential oil drops. Close the lid tightly and shake the bottle to allow the ingredients to combine fully. Spray as needed on your kitchen surfaces and wipe the area clean. The oil tends to separate and sit at the top of the mixture, so it helps to give it a good shake before every spritz.
Wipe off the bottle before storing
Condiment containers often leak from the opening at the top. With a twist-off cap, liquid can get stuck in the grooves of the lid. Over time, gravity causes the food to drip down, out of the cap and onto your shelf. Even flip-up tops can become covered with food after use. And when you close the cover, the excess can seep out of the sides and create a mess. However, you can easily avoid this situation by wiping down the opening and the lids of your sauce bottles before storing them to remove any excess food that could cause a potential spill. By cleaning the tops of the containers after every use, you can avoid most sticky leaks.

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4 vintage horror flicks you can find on YouTube
A black and white image of someone watching a horror movie with a hand coming out of the tv to get him.

They just don’t make things like they used to, and that is widely true when it comes to good old horror movies. Not having the CGI and other techniques available today, horror films from decades ago had to rely on great writing, amazing acting, creating the mood, and sometimes a good dose of camp to capture the audience's imagination.

This Halloween, why not chill out some of these classic horror flicks? While M. Night Shyamalan might bring a great plot twist, these four old horror movies that you can watch on YouTube will give you a perfect case of the frights.

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This cool new tool from Apple helps you find great opportunities to volunteer
Volunteers collecting food and clothing donations

It’s one thing to want to give back to your community but finding the perfect volunteer role is a whole other thing.

Thankfully, a new tool from Apple makes it simpler than ever to find organizations in your area looking for volunteers like you. The tech company has partnered with VolunteerMatch, a company that partners nonprofit organizations with qualified volunteers, to create this unique feature in Apple Maps. Users can find guides to charity groups in 20 major cities. Read on below to learn more about the Apple VolunteerMatch partnership, why you should give back, and how to find the right volunteer position.

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