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Simple skincare routines for every teen

Skincare is a vital part of your daily routines. A quality skincare routine prevents acne and keeps your skin glowing, healthy, and elastic.

Teens are especially susceptible to acne and skin damage as they enter puberty, as their bodies are undergoing significant changes. Because of all these hormonal and physical changes, teens must have a solid skincare routine, even if it’s just the basics.

Opt for essentials

When crafting your skincare routine, first determine what is essential and what is extra. For those with more sensitive skin, less is more so it’s best to stick with the basics, including cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen. For others, medicated products or specialty serums may be part of an everyday routine.

Skincare is highly individualized, and it’s always best to speak to a dermatologist to determine what products are best for you. They can help you determine whether serums, toners, exfoliants, eye creams, or face masks should be a part of your daily or weekly routine.

young man cleansing face in sink

Choose a compatible cleanser

Cleansers are a crucial step in your skincare routine, washing away dirt, grime, makeup, and dead skin that collects on the face throughout the day. When these excess oils are trapped in the pores of your skin, acne starts to breakout. This is why simply cleaning your face every morning or night goes a long way in washing away dirt and oil, preventing breakouts.

Be sure that the cleanser you choose is compatible with your skin type. Whether your skin is dry, oily, or a combination of both, the cleanser you choose should work for you, not against you. There are thousands of different cleansers on the market, including ones that are oil-free, extra moisturizing, exfoliating, soothing, and everything in between. If you need help finding a good starting spot, speak to a dermatologist or aesthetician who can recommend products that fit your individual needs.

Moisturize daily

Moisturizers are another crucial element of skincare routines, and it doesn’t matter if your skin is oily, dry, or somewhere in between. While it may seem counterintuitive to add moisture to oily skin, a good moisturizer penetrates deep levels of the skin, providing foundational moisture that removes blemishes and prevents excessive oiliness.

When you add moisturizer after cleaning, it makes skin feel soft and, most importantly, prevents excessive oiliness or dryness. If you’re looking for a good starting spot, look for products with essential moisturizing ingredients like hyaluronic acid and dimethicone. Avoid essential oils and perfumes which can strip the skin of necessary oils and cause irritation.

young woman with foam on her face during skincare routine
WAYHOME studio/Shutterstock

Always wear sunscreen

Whether you realize it or not, the UV rays from the sun can harm your skin, even on a cloudy winter day. Some dermatologists recommend adding a layer of protection even if you stay inside all day. This ensures you form the habit of wearing it every day while also protecting your skin from the sun rays that pass through your windows.

Most dermatologists recommend practicing skincare both in the morning and in the evening, but be careful about how often you use each product. Some cleansers and exfoliants can do more harm than good if they’re overused. If a skincare routine is new to you, keep things simple by limiting the number of products used in your routine and opting for the basics. Be sure to choose products that suit your needs and your skin will thank you.

Disclaimer: BlissMark provides information regarding health, wellness, and beauty. The information within this article is not intended to be medical advice. Before starting any diet or exercise routine, consult your physician. If you don’t have a primary care physician, the United States Health & Human Services department has a free online tool that can help you locate a clinic in your area. We are not medical professionals, have not verified or vetted any programs, and in no way intend our content to be anything more than informative and inspiring.

Amelia Wilson
Amelia Wilson (author pen name Amelia J. Wilson) is a content writer in Greenwood, IN. She often enjoys topics on…
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