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Your hair needs an all-natural shine – here’s how to achieve it

They say the eyes are the window to the soul, but there’s nothing wrong with wanting every day to be a great hair day, either. You’re guaranteed to leave a reputable salon with gorgeous, shiny locks that make you look and feel like a supermodel, even if the closest you get to a catwalk is crossing the parking lot to your car. Nice as it would be, you likely don’t have the time to go to your stylist every day.

Luckily, with several simple steps, you can achieve naturally shiny hair at home with a few inexpensive products. To look like a million bucks for a fraction of the cost, we’ll walk you through how to make your hair look healthy without leaving your home.


What makes hair dull

One of the biggest keys to keeping your hair vibrant and healthy is understanding what makes it lose its luster.

Dryness is a big culprit. Cotton pillowcases and heat from tools like straighteners and curling irons can cause dry, brittle, limp-looking hair. Some factors are out of your control, such as climate, that increase dryness.

Over-styling hair with tons of products is also a common mistake for those looking for a shiny ‘do. The harsh chemicals lead to dullness, and coloring your hair or getting a perm can damage hair if you don’t invest in protection to counteract it. Further, while clean hair is healthy, shampooing too often can do more harm than good, removing the necessary oils that keep your hair conditioned and healthy.

How to achieve shine at home

When choosing products for your hair, focus on quality over quantity. Consider these tried and true products to keep your hair looking healthy without a trip to the salon.

Protect your hair from heat

Styling with heat can cause dull hair, but you don’t have to banish your straightener or curling iron. Using a heat protector can prevent dryness and other damage. If you’re prone to breakage and dryness or dye your hair consistently, opt for a sulfate-free heat protector.

This product from HSI Professional

is a best seller that leaves hair feeling light and shiny, while protecting your hair from heat up to 450 degrees.

Wear a swim cap

Swimming can be a great low-impact cardio workout, and though it benefits your mental and physical health, pool water typically has chlorine in it, which causes dryness and breakage. If you plan to dive in often, consider a swim cap.

Speedo’s silicone cap

is available in a variety of colors, so you can mix-and-match with your suits. Reviewers say it swims laps around the competition for its comfort and ability to keep hair clean and dry.

Add some hair gloss

You likely have a few lip glosses in your makeup drawer, and hair gloss can have the same effect on your mane.

John Frieda’s Clear Shine Gloss

not only leaves hair looking polished, but it also uses pore menders to fill in damaged areas. This product is less maintenance than lip gloss since there’s no need to reapply every few hours. Simply work a few drops into your hair in the morning, and you’re good to go.

All-natural shine

Products are helpful, but they’re not always necessary, and too much product can actually damage hair further. Try these easy, quick-fixes that can make your hair look shiny naturally.

Chow down on Omega-3s

Foodies, rejoice! You can eat your way to better hair. Omega-3 fatty acids are a superfood for your locks, making them shinier and promoting growth, so load up on omega-3-rich foods like salmon, walnuts, and avocados. Not into these foods? A fish oil supplement a day can keep dull hair at bay.

woman-washing-long-hairDon’t Shampoo Too Often

Your hair produces natural oils, which in turn give it a shiny look. But shampoo strips your hair of those oils. To keep hair shiny, let it get a little greasy. Several factors determine how often you should wash your hair, such as how oily it is, how often you work out, and whether or not your color it, but generally, experts recommend one to three times per week. Your stylist can direct you toward a shampoo regiment that works for you.

Start a Nighttime Hair Wrapping Ritual

Cotton pillowcases may be comfy, but they can rub your hair the wrong way. This friction can cause breakage and dryness, making hair look limp and dull. Wrapping hair with a silk or satin scarf provides a protective layer between your hair and pillow, so your hair gets as good of a night’s sleep as you do.

You don’t have to head to a salon to get shiny, healthy-looking hair. A few inexpensive products, such as hair gloss and heat protectant, can ward off dryness and dullness. If this isn’t providing results, consider changing your diet, reducing how often you shampoo, and wrapping your hair at night.

BlissMark provides information regarding health, wellness, and beauty. The information within this article is not intended to be medical advice. Before starting any diet or exercise routine, consult your physician. If you don’t have a primary care physician, the United States Health & Human Services department has a free online tool that can help you locate a clinic in your area. We are not medical professionals, have not verified or vetted any programs, and in no way intend our content to be anything more than informative and inspiring. 

BethAnn Mayer
Beth Ann's work has appeared on and In her spare time, you can find her running (either marathons…
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