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4 basic yoga poses for beginners to try out today

Yoga boasts several benefits for your mind and body — and that’s not just marketing speak. On top of building strength, balance, and flexibility, yoga can also reduce stress, anxiety, inflammation, and blood pressure.

This is likely a result of the mind-body connection that yoga fosters. By focusing on your breathing and posture, you occupy your mind and effectively block out many of life’s daily stresses.

Though you may see pictures of yogis in positions that look expert-level, you don’t need any experience to try other, more basic yoga poses. We’re not getting into headstands quite yet, so if you’re just getting started, try these yoga poses for beginners.

Dragon Images/Shutterstock

Downward-facing dog

Downward-facing dog is a staple pose to add to your yoga repertoire, especially since instructors often start sessions in this basic position.

Benefits: Downward-facing dog stretches the hamstrings, and you can pedal your legs to work in a calf stretch, too. This energizing pose also improves blood circulation.

How to do it: Get into a tabletop position on your hands and knees, keeping your wrists shoulder-width apart. Move your hands about three inches ahead of your shoulders, press them into the mat, and tuck your toes under as you inhale. As you exhale, lift your knees off the floor and straighten your legs, as seen above.


Cobra pose is among the easier moves for newcomers. While it looks very similar to the upward-facing dog position, the legs and pelvis stay on the mat.

Benefits: Cobra lengthens and strengthens the spine, decreasing lower-back stiffness. It also stretches your chest and abs, making for a much-needed stretch after an upper-body workout.

How to do it: Start by lying on your stomach with palms flat on the ground directly under your shoulders. Keep your elbows tucked toward your body near the ribs and legs about hip-width apart with toes spread wide. Inhale, then while keeping neck neutral and pubic bone on the floor, lift your chest off the floor as you exhale. Your gaze should stay on the floor, not the ceiling. Roll shoulders back and down and focus on touching your lower ribs to the floor.

Forward bend

If you’re a runner or cyclist, you’ve likely dealt with tight hamstrings. Even circuit and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) can lead to muscle stiffness, so many people use forward bends to tackle post-exercise soreness.

Benefits: Besides stretching your hamstrings, forward bends also improve hip and calf flexibility and reduce neck and back tension.

How to do it: The forward bend isn’t quite as simple as bending down and touching your toes, but it’s close. Stand with your feet next to one another and keep a soft bend in your knees so they aren’t locked. Inhale, hinge from the hips, and keep your back straight as you lower your chest toward the floor. Bring your fingertips in line with the toes and, if you have the flexibility, try to place your hands flat on the floor. Keep your neck relaxed and breathe deeply.


Warrior II

Warrior II is another common yoga pose, open to all skill levels, that will make you look — and feel — fierce and strong.

Benefits: This pose stretches your hips, groins, and shoulders while opening your chest. It can also enhance breathing and stability.

How to do it: Step into a lunge position with your feet approximately four feet apart. Inhale as you raise your arms in line with your shoulders, reaching out on either side of you, parallel to the floor. Turn your back foot about 90 degrees, then pivot your hips so your back thigh is facing outside, in line with your knees. Turn your front foot slightly in the opposite direction, planting it at a 45-degree angle. Bend your right knee so that it is over your right ankle and hold. Exhale, and switch sides after about one minute.

Hardcore yogis may be able to work themselves into a variety of pretzel-like positions, but you don’t need circus-level flexibility to give yoga a try. There are plenty of yoga poses for beginners that will strengthen your mind-body connection, reduce stress, and prevent injury. With practice, you’ll be able to work your way up to more difficult positions, but even then, you’ll still find yourself going back to these simple, relaxing, core poses.

BlissMark provides information regarding health, wellness, and beauty. The information within this article is not intended to be medical advice. Before starting any diet or exercise routine, consult your physician. If you don’t have a primary care physician, the United States Health & Human Services department has a free online tool that can help you locate a clinic in your area. We are not medical professionals, have not verified or vetted any programs, and in no way intend our content to be anything more than informative and inspiring.

BethAnn Mayer
Beth Ann's work has appeared on and In her spare time, you can find her running (either marathons…
8 easy yoga poses anyone can master
a person meditating outside

Yoga can be a great way to relax and practice mindfulness. However, it can also feel intimidating to the uninitiated. TikTok videos and advertisements for the latest yoga apparel often showcase people doing seemingly impossible poses, like headstands and balance ansanas.
While those poses are part of advanced practices, there are many yoga moves for beginners. Even modest yoga practices have enormous benefits, including increased heart health, better sleep, less stress, more flexibility, and pain relief.
Consider this your guide to getting started with or diving back into yoga.

Tips for starting a yoga routine
Sometimes, the first step is the hardest. Try these tips to get the most out of your first few yoga sessions.

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5 awesome Pilates apps to amp up your at-home workout
woman in a plank pose on a black mat in an all-white room

Pilates is a low-impact workout with significant benefits. The method, developed by Joseph Pilates in the early 1900s, focuses on strengthening your whole body, particularly the core, through small, precise movements. It can help improve your posture, mobility, and stability. Because Pilates emphasizes breath, flow, and precision, it provides a stress-busting distraction from everyday life.
One of the most common ways to do Pilates is in a studio, but you can also get a good workout at home. Several Pilates apps offer routines for beginners and more experienced users. There are also ones with short and long classes so that you can fit exercise into your busy schedule. Try one or more of these apps for Pilates.

Pilates Anytime
Users love Pilates Anytime for its variety and flexibility. By signing up, you’ll score access to more than 3,400 classes by about 200 teachers aimed at all levels. You can also choose the type of equipment you’d like to use. No Pilates ball? No problem. You can make use of customized filters and avoid workouts that require one. Other filter options include duration and class type, like lower-body. New classes get added constantly so that you don’t get bored, and you can sign up for programs to help you stay on track. Pilates Anytime is $18 per month after a 15-day trial. It’s available in the App Store and on Google Play.

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6 yoga poses to relieve tight hips and backs
a woman in pigeon pose

Whether you have pandemic posture or have been engaging in heavy lifting lately, you may have noticed pain in your hips and back. This pain can affect your ability to work out — or work at all — because it can decrease mobility. Stretching the hips and back can provide some relief.
Any targeted stretches can help, but experts say that yoga can be especially beneficial. Yoga strengthens and stretches your muscles. Regular practice can reduce pain and tension, increase flexibility, and improve mobility. Many videos on YouTube can take you through an entire routine, but you can do yoga for hips and backs by running through a few poses on your own. Here are six to try out.

Pigeon pose
Why does pigeon pose help?
If you’ve been sitting for long periods or cycling, you may notice some tightness in your glutes. This isn’t just a (literal) pain in the butt — it can affect your hips and back, too. Pigeon pose stretches the glutes while also opening the hips, enhancing your range of motion in the process.

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