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Start eating healthy on vacation with these 5 useful tips

Vacations are a time to hit refresh. Though travel can be stressful, reaching your destination and letting loose is well worth it. This short break from reality also means some people may also take a short break from healthy routines, including exercise, skincare, and eating balanced, nutritious meals. If that’s you, no shame.

Eating healthy on vacation can be a bit of a challenge. Travelers often eat out more or don’t have access to a stove. But, with a few tips and tricks, eating healthy on vacation doesn’t have to be a struggle. Just one or two simple tweaks can go a long way.

After you pack your bag, make sure you add these healthy eating travel tips to your itinerary.

Try cooking

Eating out is a hallmark of vacation. It gives you an opportunity to try local food and take a break from cooking for yourself. You can absolutely eat out on vacation, but consider spending some time in the kitchen, too. To do this, find an extended-stay hotel or opt for an Airbnb or Vrbo with a kitchen.

Chowing down on home-cooked meals during vacations doesn’t mean you have to miss out on trying the local cuisine. Just cooking one meal a day for yourself can greatly benefit your health (and your wallet).


Eat local

Many local restaurants pride themselves on using fresh ingredients sourced from farms and purveyors in the area. This approach cuts down on additives and preservatives, which can lead to fewer digestive issues. Some people find that fresh food even tastes better, so it’s good for you and your taste buds.

As a bonus, dining local can add to your overall vacation experience. The restaurants are unique, and often the staff and other patrons have insider tips on how to enjoy your travels more. You can learn more about the culture, and ask the locals about hidden-gem places to walk, which will help you get some movement in and lead to an overall healthier trip.

Look at menus in advance

Whether you’re eating local or dining at a chain, many restaurants post menus online. One of the perks of choosing a chain restaurant is that they typically include nutrition information on their menus and websites. If you intend to eat healthy on vacation, take the “know-before-you-go” approach. Look up the menu, study it, and pick a nutritious option before you even step foot in the restaurant.

This gives you time to really look at the menu and remove the temptation to order something less nutritious when you get to the restaurant. This is especially great for places with really expansive menus. Instead of spending precious time at the table rifling through various entrées, you can save time by knowing your order ahead of time.

Ava Motive/Pexels

Stay hydrated

Sometimes, vacations involve going to warm locales and walking for hours a day to take in all the views and must-see tourist spots. The latter is especially good for your health: Moving around more can help burn calories and improve your heart health. However, it can also make you thirsty.

Sometimes, we think we’re hungry when we’re actually thirsty. Sipping water throughout the day can prevent us from mixing up our hunger and thirst cues. It can also aid in digestion and gut health.

You don’t need anything fancy like alkaline water, though some prefer a drink with added electrolytes. If it’s hot where you’re going, consider an insulated water bottle like a Swell to keep it cold all day long.

Carry healthy snacks

You may get hungry in between activities, and your growling stomach will likely make a trip to the local ice cream shop seem pretty tempting. A sweet treat every now and then is fine, but giving in to every craving will bring your healthy eating practices to a screeching halt.

Keep hunger pains and temptations at bay by keeping healthy, portable snacks in your travel bag. We recommend keeping almonds on hand — they’re packed with heart-healthy fats and proteins to keep you feeling full. These nuts can also keep blood sugar in check, making them great for people with diabetes. Other easy-to-carry healthy snacks include fruits like apples, which boast filling fiber, as well as reduced-fat string cheese.

Vacation dining doesn’t need to break your calorie bank. Though it won’t hurt to indulge for a week or so, your body will thank you for sticking to a somewhat nutritious diet. Your vacation won’t be enjoyable if you’re constantly fending off sugar crashes or managing indigestion. Keep your body fueled with all the macronutrients it needs so you and your body can both enjoy your holiday.

BlissMark provides information regarding health, wellness, and beauty. The information within this article is not intended to be medical advice. Before starting any diet or exercise routine, consult your physician. If you don’t have a primary care physician, the United States Health & Human Services department has a free online tool that can help you locate a clinic in your area. We are not medical professionals, have not verified or vetted any programs, and in no way intend our content to be anything more than informative and inspiring.

BethAnn Mayer
Beth Ann's work has appeared on and In her spare time, you can find her running (either marathons…
5 great items for on-the-go meals
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You can’t exactly head to the fridge and whip up a nutrient-rich meal if you’re working from the office or out at the beach, though. Enter brown-bagging it. The practice of packing your own meal may feel like a grade-school throwback. However, it’s a way to fit in a home-cooked meal away from home.
If it’s been a while since you packed your own lunch, allow us to update you: The humble brown bag is something of a relic. These days, there are plenty of reusable options to cut down on your carbon footprint. There are also new ways to ensure your drink stays temperature-controlled. Consider these five items when you’re eating on the fly.

Eating on the go doesn’t always have to involve takeout. Instead, you can brown-bag it using more modern products. Indulging in homemade meals is typically a healthier way to fuel your body. You can nix added salt, sugar, and grease. It can also save you money, though you’ll want to invest in some reusable products to keep your food at the right temperature and from spilling. Bento boxes can separate items like dressings, and coolers are ideal for adventures. Travel mugs, bottle sleeves, and ice packs can ensure your food and drink keep until you’re ready to dig in or drink up.

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