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No fads, just facts: This is how to cleanse your colon

Erratic diets, stress and inactivity can tie our digestive system in knots, leaving us feeling bloated and lethargic. While there is no definitive research about the effectiveness of colon cleansing, sometimes it feels good to flush things out and get our systems moving again.

Google is full of fad diets and cleanses that swear they’ll have you feeling better in no time. However, they don’t all help you in the long run. The best way to be kind to your stomach is to make simple changes to your diet by adding in colon-cleansing foods and limiting things known to cause stomach irritation. Consider this your four-step guide on how to clean your gut (and keep it clean).

Daria Shevtsova/Pexels

Drink plenty of water

One of the first things people will tell you if you’re struggling with gastrointestinal issues is to increase water consumption. It’s good advice. Drinking water during a meal helps aid in digestion, according to scientists. It can also reduce bloating and constipation and prevent you from overeating. Drinking water steadily throughout the day keeps us hydrated and increases the amount of liquid entering the digestive system leading to a more regular digestive flow and softer stool.

Most doctors recommend drinking at least eight cups of water per day, but if you’re more active, you’ll likely need more than that. For those who are constantly forgetting to drink those crucial glasses, consider using apps such as Daily Water Tracker Reminder and Hydro Coach, to help you meet your goals.

Eat a fiber-rich diet

Many colon-cleansing foods are high in fiber because fiber helps food move more quickly through the large intestine. It also absorbs water and makes stools softer, so they pass more easily and prevent constipation. Some of the best colon-cleansing foods are apples, beans, and leafy greens.

If you’re struggling to get enough fiber in your diet, we recommend try adding Benefiber to your water. It’s tasteless, so you’ll increase your fiber intake without even noticing. When adding a fiber supplement to your diet, be sure to start slowly to prevent bloating and not overdo it. Ingesting too much fiber — especially with insufficient water — can cause constipation. Women should aim for 21 to 25 grams of fiber per day, and men should try to get about 38 grams per day. Every person is different, so listen to your body to determine how to adjust your consumption.

Cats Coming/Pexels

Try probiotics

Probiotics are live bacteria and yeast. You may be shocked to see the word “bacteria” on a list about how to clean your gut since the word tends to carry a negative connotation. However, probiotics are a good form of bacteria. We already have trillions of bacteria in our guts helping us break down food, and having the right balance is good for overall health. Probiotics are essential to making this happen.

They can help you clean your gut and keep it healthy by improving the efficiency of digestion. In turn, you’ll likely find you don’t have pesky and uncomfortable issues like diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, and inflammation, according to microbiologists. Colon-cleansing foods with probiotics include yogurt, cottage cheese, and kimchi.

Nix sodium

Salty foods can be so satisfying, but too much sodium causes your body to retain water, which leaves you feeling bloated. Consuming excessive sodium also increases your risk of high blood pressure, so it’s good to cut down on it whether you’re trying to clean your gut or not. The FDA suggests limiting sodium intake to 1 teaspoon of salt per day, so on your next grocery trip, look for low-sodium versions of your favorite foods, like soups and tomato sauces. You can also try making red sauces at home and buying fresh or frozen veggies, as canned products often have salt added as a preservative.

If you often feel bloated or constipated, it may be time to try a little guy cleansing. Fruits, beans, and Greek yogurts are colon-cleansing foods. Others, such as those high in sodium, can leave you feeling bloated and backed up. Learning how to clean your gut is a bit of trial and error. Some people may be able to tolerate more sodium or fiber than others, so take your time to experiment and figure out what works for you. Your doctor or a nutritionist can also help you with this process, so don’t hesitate to reach out to a professional.

BlissMark provides information regarding health, wellness, and beauty. The information within this article is not intended to be medical advice. Before starting any diet or exercise routine, consult your physician. If you don’t have a primary care physician, the United States Health & Human Services department has a free online tool that can help you locate a clinic in your area. We are not medical professionals, have not verified or vetted any programs, and in no way intend our content to be anything more than informative and inspiring.

BethAnn Mayer
Beth Ann's work has appeared on and In her spare time, you can find her running (either marathons…
Here’s how to get your probiotics without eating dairy
a small bowl of miso soup next to a teapot

If you’re feeling experiencing digestive issues, you may have poor gut health. Gut health can be affected by various issues, including food intolerances, allergies, and bacterial imbalances.
One way to correct the issues is through diet, including adding probiotics. Probiotics are full of good live bacteria. They naturally live in your body, but adding foods with probiotics to your diet can help encourage that good bacteria to fend off the harmful bacteria that can cause gut issues.
Greek yogurt, aged cheeses, and kefir are favorite sources of probiotics, but not everyone likes the taste, and others follow vegan diets. These products may also exacerbate food allergies and dairy intolerances. If Greek yogurt isn’t an option for you, try these dairy-free foods that supply probiotics instead.

Sauerkraut, a favorite dish in Germany and staple on Oktoberfest menus, is fermented raw cabbage. During the fermentation process, lactobacillus, a bacteria also found in yogurt, helps produce lactic acid. This process doesn’t just give sauerkraut its sour taste. Foods with probiotics typically make use of lactic-acid-producing bacteria. Research shows these probiotics can help aid in digestion and immune health.

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5 healthy tortilla alternatives for your low-carb lifestyle

Tortillas are a pantry staple: They’re easy, versatile, and typically keep for a pretty long time before becoming inedible. You can use them for sandwiches, tacos, and even cut them into triangles to make pita chips. However, as is often the case with carbs, not all tortillas are created equal.
Some aren’t that good for you — they’re full of empty carbs and calories that don’t fill you up, leaving you hungry not long after you've finished the meal. The good news is that there are also healthy tortillas out there, whether you're in the hard or soft-taco-loving crowd. If you’re looking to fill your body with nutritious food, this guide will help you make the best tortilla choices at the grocery store.

What makes a healthy tortilla
Tortillas are full of carbohydrates, and though carbs have gotten a bad rep over the years, they are essential. Carbs break down into the primary fuel source for your body: glucose. Glucose is particularly critical for your mind since your brain cannot store other types of fuel like fat or proteins.
There are two types of carbs, simple and complex. Simple carbs are found naturally in fruit but also in processed foods like white bread. Complex carbs, like those found in whole grains, break down slowly and are full of fiber that keeps your digestive system running and ensures you feel full and energetic for hours.

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Sugar-free yogurts that will keep you coming back for more
sugar free yogurt in mug

Cutting down on sugar is pretty sweet for your body. A low-sugar diet reduces the risk of diabetes and heart disease and ensures you won't suffer a mid-day sugar crash. Unfortunately, there is too much added sugar in most American diets, making us prone to inflammation, weight gain, and type 2 diabetes in addition to cardiovascular risk.
A low sugar lifestyle can be a challenge if yogurt is part of your daily diet. Yogurt boasts a plethora of necessary nutrients including calcium, protein, and good-for-your-gut probiotics. The small containers are easy to tote anywhere, making this easy snack food a favorite of the on-the-go crowd.
Yogurt, despite its good reputation, can have double-digit grams of sugar. Dairy products, like cow’s milk and yogurt, have healthy natural sugars, so you don't necessarily need to find a sugar-free brand. It is important, however, to find a container that doesn’t have any added sugar, so that you can reap its benefits without the not-so-sweet side effects. Ready for a change in your yogurt routine? These no-sugar-added yogurts are essential to morning, snack time, or even dessert routine.

Oikos Triple Zero Vanilla
True to its name, Oikos Triple Zero Vanilla Greek yogurt avoids added sugar, artificial sweeteners, and fat. This no-added-sugar yogurt also packs in 15 grams of protein (30 percent of the recommended daily value), which keeps you feeling fuller longer while also strengthening muscle tissue. The natural sugars in this Greek yogurt keep it lightly sweet, and the texture is perfectly creamy and dreamy.  While it doesn’t taste quite like vanilla ice cream, it is a lighter, healthier substitute. If you're looking to liven it up a bit, consider adding some fresh berries, granola, or dark chocolate.

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