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What can you eat on a Whole30 diet?

It seems like there’s a new fad diet everyday, and while the Whole30 plan isn’t exactly new, it has been gaining a lot of traction as of late.

What makes Whole30 different from many other diet plans is that it is less of a weight-loss plan and more of a lifestyle reset. Following the guidelines can improve health, purge bad habits, and set the groundwork for a new-and-improved you. Weight loss is just a common side effect of this plan, as it includes no processed ingredients and reduces your consumption of many high-calorie foods.

Lasting only 30 days, Whole30 is just long enough to feel the impact of your changed diet without committing to a lifelong change (though many decide to follow the guidelines well after the 30 days). So, what is and isn’t allowed on the Whole30 diet? We’ll walk through a brief history of this eating plan and all of the do’s and don’ts.

A couple chops a tomato
Dean Drobot/Shutterstock

History of Whole30

The original book that created and described the plan, titled The Whole30: The 30-Day Guide to Total Health and Food Freedom, came out in 2009. However, it has gained a lot of steam recently as it’s easier than ever to go online to find and share recipes and tips that align with the plan’s guidelines.

In a recent interview with Everyday Health, Whole30 co-founder and sports nutritionist Melissa Hartwig Urban described the overarching goal and benefits of Whole30, stating:

You can think of the Whole30 like pushing the reset button with your health, habits, and relationship with food. For 30 days, you’ll eliminate the foods that scientific literature and our clinical experience have shown to be commonly problematic in one of four areas — cravings and habits, blood sugar regulation and hormones, digestion and immune system, and inflammation…Over the course of 30 days, you’ll see what improves when you remove potentially problematic foods.

While there haven’t been any scientific studies on the physiological effects of this diet, followers share that Whole30 improved their energy and focus, sleep, and mood. Those benefits are all well and good, but a plan is only as good as your commitment to stick with it. Consider all of the allowances and restrictions of the Whole30 plan before deciding whether it’s a good fit or not.

A couple chops veggies

Foods you can have on Whole30

So, what are you allowed to have on this diet? On this front, there is good news. The diet is more so about what type of foods you eat instead of how much you’re eating, so there aren’t restrictions on calories, carbohydrates, sugar, or fat. Meat, seafood, eggs, vegetables, fruit, and healthy fats (like olive oil) are all fair game when following this plan, so you can fill up your shopping cart with all the produce your heart desires.

With this stellar lineup of permitted foods, and no serving or calorie restrictions, you should never feel like you’re going hungry while following this plan.

A woman turns down cheese
Kaspars Grinvalds/Shutterstock

These foods are off-limits

Now, the flip side. Every nutritional plan is challenging, and this plan is no exception. If you decide to follow this diet, you can say goodbye to grains, legumes, dairy, alcohol, added sugar, artificial sweeteners, and foods with certain additives like carrageenan, MSG, and sulfites.

Whole30 is designed to improve your relationship with food and make you feel and function better. By eating whole foods without any processing, you get a better idea of exactly what it is you’re putting in your body. While this might lead to weight loss, the primary goal is to gain a new perspective on what you eat in a day and understand what foods fuel your body.

At the end of the day, you are the one who understands what is most or least likely to work for you. Not every diet is for everyone, so don’t worry if you aren’t ready to say goodbye to pasta just yet. However, if you’re prepared to challenge yourself for just 30 days, there’s a good chance you’ll see noticeable changes in your energy, health, alertness, and overall wellbeing.

Disclaimer: BlissMark provides information regarding health, wellness, and beauty. The information within this article is not intended to be medical advice. Before starting any diet or exercise routine, consult your physician. If you don’t have a primary care physician, the United States Health & Human Services department has a free online tool that can help you locate a clinic in your area. We are not medical professionals, have not verified or vetted any programs, and in no way intend our content to be anything more than informative and inspiring.

Scott Harris
Scott Harris is a freelance writer based near Washington, DC, with more than a decade of experience covering health…
Are green tea supplements worth it? What you need to know
a flatlay of supplements on a green background

Supplements of all kinds have been trending during the COVID-19 pandemic as people looked for new ways to boost their health, and green tea has been no exception. Consumers shelled out about $141 million for green tea supplements in 2020, according to one report.
Though these supplements are emerging, drinking green tea for health is nothing new. It has caffeine, which can boost energy and memory. Drinking green tea may also help the body break down fat and lower the risk for heart disease, according to research.
However, will taking a green tea dietary supplement really help, or should you stick to drinking it?
We did the research and can now spill the tea.

What are green tea supplements?
Like the beverage, a green tea dietary supplement is derived from the Camellia sinensis plant. The supplements contain significant amounts of polyphenols, or antioxidant-rich compounds, and caffeine.
They generally do not require a prescription, but a primary care physician or complementary and alternative medicine practitioner, such as a licensed acupuncturist, may recommend taking one. You can find them in tablet form at your local pharmacy, supplement aisle of a grocery store, and health food stores. They are also readily available online.

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4 best no-nut butters that will help you forget peanut butter
Sunflower seed butter in a bowl

We think of nut allergies as predominantly affecting children, but only about 20-25% of children outgrow them as they age. The rest go on to live their lives with this allergy. And while nuts impact allergy sufferers to different degrees of severity, avoidance is always the best course of action, which of course means no more peanut butter. If you or your child are allergic to nuts, there are lots of peanut butter alternatives that aren’t made from any kind of nut. Here are four of the best no-nut butter options to choose from.

Sunflower seed butter
For anyone with a nut allergy, sunflower seed butter is the closest you can get to the real deal. It has a nutty and salty flavor. If you enjoy snacking on sunflower seeds, you’ll love this tasty spread. The butter also has a smooth spreadable texture, just like peanut butter but a little thinner. The PB substitute is made from roasted, ground sunflower seeds, usually mixed with a little sugar, salt, and oil.

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10 last-minute Halloween costume ideas you can find on Pinterest
Family dressed up as ghosts for Halloween

Early fall always flies by, with the start of the school year and trying to soak in as much outdoor fun as you can before the winter arrives. And now, Halloween is nearly here! Do you have your costume picked out yet? Not to worry; Pinterest is here to help. There are so many ideas on the site that can inspire your festive outfit. Here are 10 last-minute Halloween costumes from Pinterest that you can copy with minimal effort.

When it comes to last-minute Halloween costumes, you can’t go wrong with the classics! Making a bedsheet ghost costume is as simple as undressing your bed (though you might want to wash it first). But this unique twist on the traditional ghost from Press Print Party! can take your costume to the next level. They suggest using screen material to create the eyes and mouth holes, and they even provide a printable template you can use.
It’s raining men
This adorable costume posted by Heathered Nest is based on the disco classic “It’s Raining Men” by The Weather Girls. And though it’s simple to put together, it’ll look like you’ve been planning your costume for weeks. To create this look, all you need is a rain jacket or trench coat, an umbrella, some string, and photos of your favorite male celebs.
Scooby Doo, where are you?
Scoob and the gang have been beloved and recognizable characters since the show originally aired in the late 60s. And since the characters’ outfits are so basic, they also make for great, simple Halloween costumes for adults, couples, or families. In the pin posted by Niki Demar on Twitter, you can see a couple dressed as Velma, wearing an orange turtleneck and red skirt, and Shaggy, wearing a green V-neck tee and brown pants.
Deviled egg
Who doesn’t love a punny costume? This deviled egg costume from Jennifer Priest is so funny and adorable. Making an egg shirt is simple. Get a plain white t-shirt and draw on a large yellow circle using a fabric marker or sew on a yellow fabric circle. Then, put on some devil horns and a tail. Voila, deviled egg!
Laundry basket
This laundry basket costume from Almost the Real Thing is too cute to pass up. You’ll need an old laundry basket that you or your child can fit in comfortably to create this costume. Cut out the bottom so you can stick your legs through and add straps to hold up the basket on your shoulders. Then, drape some clothing in and over the rim of the basket, and your dirty laundry costume is complete.

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