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Why video games can be a great way to de-stress

Video games have something of a bad reputation. One year a study will say they make people violent, and a few years later, another one will debunk it. People who grew up without video games may like to grumble that, “Kids these days are always playing video games,” and usually follow up that “back in their day, we spent all day helping around the house or playing outside.” The implication is that video games make us lazier and less social and deprive us of fresh air.

While getting outside is great and all, and helping out is important, everyone copes with stress differently. Some people swear video games help — not hurt — them. Which is it? Can video games relieve stress? Let’s explore the link between video games and mental health.

two people playing video game on flatscreen

Benefits of using video games to destress

Despite video games’ bad rap, a growing body of research says they can help reduce stress. It’s also important to note that video games don’t always entail one person playing by themselves. Gamers can compete against one another or as teammates. One 2015 study of 100 participants found that both competitive and cooperative games helped players soothe stress, and cooperative ones were the most beneficial.

What’s more, researchers at the University of Saskatchewan discovered that video games helped people relax and feel more motivated and connected.  Another study of more than 1,600 participants found video games were good tools for coping with stress.

Drawbacks of using video games to destress

Though video games do reduce stress for some, they don’t work for everyone. There’s science to back this claim up, too. Violent video games, in particular, are problematic for some people’s moods. A 2012 study found that violent games stressed people out and made them more aggressive. However, it’s important to note that other research refutes the claim that violent video games lead to increased aggression in real life.

While video games may be a valuable tool in reducing stress, it’s likely best if they are part of a holistic approach to your mental health. Research shows that social support is still important and may even have a more significant impact on your mental health and fatigue levels than playing games.

person with short hair sitting on green couch playing video games
Humphrey Muleba/Unsplash

Video games for mindfulness

Ultimately, the most relaxing video games are the ones that help you chill out. However, if you’re new to the game, we highly recommend these:

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker

This game includes an option to play in cooperative mode, so you can reap the benefits of playing with someone else. The game might as well have been designed to help you feel better. Wirecutter noted the “sunny” aesthetic, comparing it to Mario. As you play, you’ll be able to get your mind off your day-to-day stressors by helping a tiny toad collect diamonds and coins. It’s not fast-paced or adrenaline-inducing, adding to its relaxation-boosting powers.

Golf Story

Playing golf in real life, whether it’s 18 holes or mini-golf, can be a great way to destress. However, if you can’t get out to a green, try Golf Story. The relaxing video game combines the fun of playing golf with a narrative. You’ll take on the role of a golfer who has to give up everything he loves for one last chance to accomplish his goals. The story will take you through eight different courses with their own cast of characters, secrets, and obstacles.


This game will bring back memories of playing computer games as a kid. The 2D game stars Gomez, a little creature who makes a big discovery: a secret third dimension. Travel with him on a journey through time and space as he uncovers hidden treasures and solves puzzles. It’s low-key, gently paced, and full of bright, happy colors.

Monument Valley

Monument Valley features beautiful scenery and architecture that’ll immediately put you in a calm, if not enchanted, state of mind. You’ll navigate a silent princess named Ida through fantastical but challenging architecture, discovering hidden paths and trying to outwit Crow People along the way.

Much of the discussion around video games and mental health often centers around the negative impacts the hobby can have on people. However, can video games relieve stress? Yes, for some people. Remember, we’re all different, and the important thing is that you find an approach to stress management that works for you. On that note, the best video games for mindfulness are the ones that help you personally relax. If you’re just starting to use video games for stress management, you might want to avoid violent ones. Some research indicates those types of games can actually increase stress. Cooperative games like Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker tend to be better for your mental health than competitive ones. Regardless of what you choose, remember that social support is still important, so try to interact with people face-to-face or over the phone, too.

BethAnn Mayer
Beth Ann's work has appeared on and In her spare time, you can find her running (either marathons…
3 great shows to watch on Peacock when you just need to de-stress
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Streaming services have created a new kind of comfort binging. For many, binge-watching has become the preferred way of enjoying television, especially when you’re trying to unwind after a tough day. And with so many streaming platforms, you’ll never run out of shows to watch.

One of the newest services is Peacock, which is run by NBCUniversal and houses tons of great original content and TV shows from networks like NBC, Bravo, SYFY, and more. If you’re looking for Peacock shows to de-stress to at the end of a long day, check out these three.

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Why acupuncture ear seeds are great for people with anxiety
a woman with blonde hair displaying acupuncture ear seeds

You’ve probably heard about acupuncture. The ancient Chinese medicine practice involves using needles to pierce the skin to heal aches and pains — and not just the physical kind. Studies show it can aid in stress and anxiety reduction.
Recently, you may have started seeing photos and videos of the latest wellness and acupuncture trend: ear seeds. They look more like a social media-friendly fashion statement than a self-care technique. The tiny, metallic balls go around a person’s ear and could double as a pretty constellation of earrings. However, people swear they’re helping reduce anxiety, much like traditional acupuncture. So, how do these seeds work? More importantly, do they work? Let’s explore what we do and don’t know about this buzz-worthy treatment.

How acupuncture ear seeds work
These seeds use the same principles as traditional acupuncture, and more specifically, auricular acupuncture. Auricular acupuncture applies pressure to certain points on the ear. The thought you can relieve symptoms in another part of the body by stimulating specific points within the ear. The seeds attach to certain parts of the ear with adhesive and stay on for about three to five days. After that, you can dispose of them and reapply new ones. While there, they help improve the flow of qi (or energy) throughout your body, reducing anything from chronic pain to providing stress relief in the process.

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7 great exercises you can do at your desk
desk exercises guide woman doing pushup

Sitting after a long day on your feet can be one of the most relaxing feelings in the world. However, sitting after a long day of, well, more sitting can wreak havoc on your body. Remaining sedentary can tighten muscles and stiffen joints, bringing discomfort and even leading to chronic pain. As a result, you might feel sore, have difficulty walking, and experience lower back pain, poor posture, and balance issues.
These issues present a pretty big problem if sitting at a desk is part of your job. You may not be able to divorce yourself from that office chair, but you can do a few simple things to reduce your risk of aches and pains. One simple tweak is taking short breaks throughout the day to perform exercises that stretch out your muscles and ensure you’re not in one position for too long.

Upper body moves to try
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