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4 self-care tips on Mother’s Day when you’ve lost your mom

Mother’s Day is a dedicated time to celebrate our mothers and thank them for all they do for us. Whether you get together with your family in person or celebrate virtually with a Zoom call, it’s supposed to be a feel-good holiday.

However, when you’ve lost your mom, Mother’s Day can conjure up feelings of grief, anger, and sadness. You may even feel jealous of other people who are able to spend time with their mothers and become distant from those in your life who are celebrating. However, practicing a few Mother’s Day self-care tips can help you get through this difficult holiday.

Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels

It’s okay to grieve on Mother’s Day when you’ve lost a mom

You can’t help your feelings. It’s cliché, but it’s true. Your emotions are largely out of your control.

Maybe you had Mother’s Day traditions or miss the sound of your mom’s voice, and all the festivities make you sad. Perhaps you get triggered in the greeting card aisle, knowing you can’t deliver a Mother’s Day card this year.

Though you can’t control these feelings, you can control your actions. Beating yourself up for grieving on Mother’s Day won’t make the day better — likely, you’ll only make yourself feel worse. Instead, be kind to yourself, acknowledge and accept your feelings, and know that they are normal. Release the guilt and focus on processing your feelings instead of judging them.

Log off social media

On Mother’s Day, Facebook, Instagram, and other social networking feeds will be full of photos of your friends, family, and their moms. This year, it may be even more prevalent. Since many people can’t travel to see their families because of the pandemic, they’ll likely shower Mom with love online. Of course, you don’t want to harbor any animosity toward your friends, but it’s certainly difficult to scroll through a feed full of smiling faces when you feel quite the opposite. Staying away from social media on Mother’s Day (or even the entire weekend) can mitigate these triggers.

Yes, you can skip celebrations

Well-meaning family members or friends may invite you to hang out and celebrate with them so you don’t have to spend the day alone. If you think spending time with others will be helpful, go for it. That said, you don’t have to attend if you think it will be too upsetting.

You may be afraid to hurt their feelings, but it’s okay to look out for yourself and have a self-care day. Try not to spend the day in bed or in front of the TV. Instead, exercise, read, listen to music, or do anything else that relieves stress. As for the well-meaning host, politely decline the invitation but be honest. Try saying something like, “Thank you so much for the invite. I appreciate it, but I think it will be too hard for me because my mother has passed. I’m going to skip it, but I hope you have a great time.” If they love you, they’ll understand.

Anastasia Shuraeva/Pexels

Plan ahead to take your mind off things

If you don’t have anyone to celebrate with this year, make a plan to do something else that will make you feel good.

These plans will look different for anyone who has lost a mom. You may find comfort in doing something that reminds you of your mother. Perhaps she loved flowers, and you’d like to go for a walk in an open-air garden. Maybe she was a volunteer for a soup kitchen, and you’d like to help feed the hungry this Mother’s Day in her memory. If you’d prefer to do something that takes your mind off your mom entirely, that’s okay too. In this case, Mother’s Day self-care may involve going for a run, making your favorite meal, or engaging in any other activities that make you happy.

Mother’s Day can be difficult if you’re dealing with the loss of your mom. Know that there’s no right or wrong way to handle this holiday without your mom, and it’s normal to grieve. Be kind to yourself, and don’t hesitate to reach out to a loved one or mental health professional for support.

BlissMark provides information regarding health, wellness, and beauty. The information within this article is not intended to be medical advice. Before starting any diet or exercise routine, consult your physician. If you don’t have a primary care physician, the United States Health & Human Services department has a free online tool that can help you locate a clinic in your area. We are not medical professionals, have not verified or vetted any programs, and in no way intend our content to be anything more than informative and inspiring.

BethAnn Mayer
Beth Ann's work has appeared on and In her spare time, you can find her running (either marathons…
You should get outside this weekend to practice self care
a woman doing tree pose on a beach

As the temperature warms and the days get longer, it’s prime time to get outside. However, it can be hard to ignore the tempting call of Netflix and the comfort of your couch. Here’s one of the best self-care tips you’ll get: Ignore the calls to loaf around the house and get some fresh air instead.
While taking a brain break to watch a fun movie or TV show is nice every now and again, there are more ways to clear your head. If you're looking to improve your mental health, spend some time in the great outdoors — exposure to green space can lower stress, depression, and anxiety. You don’t have to spend all day running through town or lounging on the beach (though the latter might be nice) to reap the benefits. Even a 20-minute walk in the park provides great amounts of stress relief.
In other words, save Netflix for a rainy day and get outside this weekend. These five activities will help you relax during your self-care day.

Cardio-Centric Outdoor Activities
Take a Walk
Sick of being stuck at home? That’s understandable — many of us spent more time at home than we ever thought possible over the last year. Break out of the quarantine funk, lace up your sneakers, and go for a walk. A 10-minute walk outside can improve young adults’ moods just as much as meditation, so take a stroll around the block or consider heading to a local woods, hiking trail, or park. Find the greenest space possible, as studies indicate the more exposure to nature, the better your mood.

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6 self-care tips for working through grief

Grief is a great equalizer in life. No matter who you are, you will experience it. Though we may know it's coming, there's no way to be truly prepared for it.
Dr. Gil Singletary, JD, Ph.D. MBA, MSSW has worked with grieving patients as a therapist for more than 15 years. However, when he lost his mother to COVID-19 in May of 2020, he had to navigate grief without the closure one may obtain from a chance to say goodbye in person or at a traditional funeral.
“Consequently, I may never realize closure and need to come to the realization that all I can hope for now is peace,” Dr. Singletary says.
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Recognizing emotions and coping mechanisms
As you’re working through grief, take the time to evaluate and assess how you’re feeling with these tips.

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5 decluttering podcasts under 30 minutes to start your day right

Marie Kondo started an organizing revolution with her Netflix hit Tidying Up. Her method of decluttering has been lauded many times over, inspiring people across the globe to declutter according to what sparks joy for them individually.
However, she’s not the only expert in the organization space. Many podcasters are stepping up to their microphones to provide tips that will help you lead a more fulfilled and organized life. From a pair of minimalists who can tackle the worst junk drawer to a professional organizer who talks through mental clutter, these are five of the best organization podcasts that you can listen to on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.

Got Clutter? Get Organized! with Janet
Professional organizer Janet M. Taylor hosts this weekly podcast that focuses on common challenges with organizing and explores how to navigate each one. Taylor, who is often joined by a variety of guests, takes you through the mental benefits of decluttering and encourages listeners to donate unwanted items and give back to the community. New episodes, each about 20 minutes long, typically come out on Mondays, ensuring you're well motivated for the week ahead.

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