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This is what to do when you’re emotionally exhausted all the time

Often, we think of exhaustion as a physical problem. If we’re tired, we may move slower or feel groggy as we get out of bed. However, emotional exhaustion happens, too, and it’s just as serious as the physical kind.

Emotional exhaustion can lead to stress and burnout, which can up our risk for physical ailments like heart disease and hypertension. Stress hampers our ability to focus and may reduce our satisfaction at work and home. Signs of emotional exhaustion include physical fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and not enjoying things we once loved.

Though emotional exhaustion is a problem, it’s also treatable. Here’s what to do when you are emotionally exhausted.

an exhausted woman sitting on the floor and leaning on a white cabinet as she looks at her computer
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Log more hours of sleep

The CDC suggests getting a minimum of seven hours of sleep per night if you’re between the ages of 18 to 60 years old. You likely know that hitting this number and getting a good night’s sleep is fantastic for your physical health, such as reducing your risk for a heart attack, stroke, cancer, and diabetes. However, sleep and mental health are also intertwined. One report showed a lack of sleep could increase anxiety by up to 30 percent, and experts say people with insomnia are more likely to be depressed. Of course, sometimes stress can interfere with sleep. Try journaling or writing out your to-do list before bed, so you’re not thinking about it as you try to drift off to dreamland.

Learn to say no

Do you head from an early-morning workout to a full day of work and then feeling obligated to accept an invite for post-work happy hour at 3 p.m.? If you’re constantly on the go, you’re probably going to burn out eventually. The same goes for individuals who have trouble saying no to taking on more work when they already have a full plate. Establishing boundaries by learning to say no can help you feel less emotionally exhausted and reduce your risk of burning out in the first place. It will allow you to excel at the tasks currently on your to-do list and carve out time for yourself to relax. Also, remember: No is a complete sentence. You don’t necessarily owe someone a long-winded explanation as to why you can’t go out for a last-minute drink, especially if you feel like justifying your decision will only stress you out more. A good friend or loved one will respect your choices.

Switch up your diet

Sometimes, when things go wrong, we say, “I need a glass of wine” or “I’m going to drown my problems in ice cream.” An alcoholic beverage here and there or indulging in a treat every so often won’t hurt. However, emotional eating often happens when stress releases hormones and causes us to indulge a bit too much too frequently. What’s more, what you put into your body may affect how you feel inside. Aim for a diet that includes plenty of vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and lean proteins like chicken or fish. Want to treat yourself? It’s not off the table. Chocolate reduces stress, one study found.

a person sharing thoughts with a therapist

Opt for therapy

Sometimes, it can be difficult to pinpoint exactly what’s behind your emotional exhaustion. Even if you know the reason, effectively treating it means you may have to step outside of your comfort zone and do things like say no to a boss or someone you love. Going to therapy can help you work through your burnout and develop healthy coping skills. Psychotherapy, like cognitive behavioral therapy, involves talking to a professional one-on-one. However, other kinds of treatment have also shown they can help reduce stress, such as music therapy and animal-assisted therapy. Researching different options can help you find what’s best for you.

Emotional exhaustion is something to take seriously, and there’s no need to feel ashamed if you’re feeling burned out. Knowing the signs of emotional exhaustion, such as trouble focusing or losing interest in things you once enjoyed, is a huge first step in treating the problem. After that, it’s important to know what to do when you are emotionally exhausted. There’s no one-size-fits-all treatment for this condition, but there are several tactics to try. Getting more sleep is not only good for your physical health but may help you mentally as well. Setting boundaries and prioritizing time for yourself can also help prevent burnout. Eating nutritious foods can also help. However, if you’re struggling, you may also want to consider speaking with a therapist. Talking through your problems with an objective party who empathizes with you can help you build coping skills.

BlissMark provides information regarding health, wellness, and beauty. The information within this article is not intended to be medical advice. Before starting any diet or exercise routine, consult your physician. If you don’t have a primary care physician, the United States Health & Human Services department has a free online tool that can help you locate a clinic in your area. We are not medical professionals, have not verified or vetted any programs, and in no way intend our content to be anything more than informative and inspiring.

BethAnn Mayer
Beth Ann's work has appeared on and In her spare time, you can find her running (either marathons…
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Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among U.S. women, and it's estimated more than 330,000 American women will be diagnosed with the disease in 2021. The earlier breast cancer is caught, the greater the chances of survival and less intensive treatment for the disease.

While mammograms can find breast cancer in its earliest stages before a lump can typically be felt, breast self-examinations are an important way that women can detect lumps or changes in their breasts on a regular basis. Forty percent of diagnosed breast cancers are detected by women who feel a lump during a self-exam.

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Cupping 101: What you should know about this ancient practice before trying it
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In 2016, Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps made waves and not just for his domination in the pool. Fans noticed he was covered in red dots, the side effect of a technique known as cupping.
The truth is, cupping has been around for centuries. Its roots reportedly date back to ancient Chinese and Egyptian medicine. You can find the first known and documented mention of cupping in Ebers Papyrus, an ancient medical textbook from 1500 BC. Unlike massage, where a therapist presses into the skin, cupping involves using suction cups to pull on it. People continue to swear by the technique today.

Benefits of cupping
Advocates of cupping believe it has many perks, including:

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Here’s what you need to do to prevent plantar fasciitis
person tying shoelaces while outside

Plantar fasciitis is a total pain. It happens when there’s inflammation in the ligament that extends from your toes to your heel and is one of the most common causes of heel pain. The pains can feel sharp and even bruising, and it can impede your ability to exercise or move on your feet at all, especially first thing in the morning.
The condition is often caused by activities that place stress on the heel including running and other aerobic exercises. It can also be caused by obesity, aging, and jobs that require you to stand on hard surfaces for long periods of time.
While you don’t have to stop exercising, to avoid plantar fasciitis, there are activities and other steps you can take to avoid this painful and inconvenient condition.

Try mixing up your workout
You don’t necessarily have to give up running or other high-impact exercises that are heavy on footwork. Switching to cross-training will work different muscles and give your feet a break. Swimming is a low-impact workout that doesn’t involve being on your feet. Strengthening your legs can also help ensure you have the correct form and don’t put too much pressure on one set of muscles or your feet, reducing your risk for plantar fasciitis. Also, be sure to add daily stretches into your fitness regimen. Warming up and cooling down, particularly by stretching the calves, can help keep the condition at bay.
That said, while running is a great exercise, you may need to consider replacing it with something else if you have chronic reoccurring plantar fasciitis. A doctor can advise you further if you find yourself in this situation.

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