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5 fitness finds for workouts and recovery

There are seemingly endless ways to get fit these days. And with the right fit, there is no wrong. It’s just about finding the right fit for you. Understand that too can change depending on your mood, or atmosphere, or fill in the blank…What’s important is to “Just Do It,” as the famous slogan goes.

It doesn’t have to be complicated. But, if you want to stick with it, the easiest way is to make it fun. Who doesn’t like having fun? Instead of possessing a mindset of, “I have to do this.” Why not think, “I get to do this!” Then you’ll be ready to roll.

Great for athletes of all levels, enjoy the many perks of this speed fitness jump rope. Jumping rope is a well-known total-body workout. It not only helps build cardio and endurance, it’s also one of the fastest ways to burn calories, and get endorphins flowing. Incorporate various techniques to switch up your workout, speed, and tempo. The possibilities are endless with the Beast Gear Pro Speed Jump Rope, built with premium materials, and made to last.

At home, the office, or on the go, this all-in-one half balance ball is both a core-stability yoga trainer, and a full-body balance, strengthening, and workout exercise fitness piece. With a half, dome-shaped balance ball, and a safe, durable, no-slip base, each side adds a spectrum of workout possibilities. In addition, the ball trainer comes with detachable resistance bands, a downloadable workout guide, a pump, and valve plugs, to keep you going.

Something new to try, this dynamic duo provides a low-impact workout that makes a high total-body toning impact. No matter the terrain, hardwood to carpet, this 2-pack of dual-sided core sliding gliders are made for push-ups, planks, lunges, squats, and more. Engage your muscles, build those abs, while easing up on your joints and knees. Weighing in at a scant 0.4 pounds, it’s ready to go, when you are.

Work smarter not harder with BFR Training Workout Occlusion Bands for Arms. These durable bands are used to enhance muscle growth, and strength, more rapidly, by restricting blood flow to specific muscles you’re working on. Easy to fasten and release, these 2” wide bands for arms, are great for building biceps, and triceps. Every order comes with 2 BFR workout bands, and a convenient BFR workout program e-book outlining sets, reps, and rest.

After a hard run, or workout, your body can be sore in places you never imagined. Even daily activity, and redundant movements, can cause surprising aches, and pains, crying out for help. This massage roller stick can alleviate those ouches, and ohhhs, by targeting sore, and tight muscles. Just roll out those knots, and massage pain points, for about 5 minutes, to prevent cramps, and gain quick relief to get back to your favorite running spot.

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Whether you’re just starting out in fitness or you’re a seasoned pro, these items can facilitate your running journey with countless exercises, and recuperation. Reasonably priced, they offer a fun variety of ways to get your heart pumping, and to help reach your running fitness goals.

With any workout plan, it’s a good idea to incorporate stretching, balance, flexibility, aerobic exercise, strength building, endurance, and to change up your level of intensity. Remember to always stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water, it will help keep your energy up, whether working out at home, or wherever your fitness path leads you.

Editors' Recommendations

5 Great Seats for Your Bike

Whether you ride a beach cruiser, a mountain bike, a ten-speed, or a Peloton, having a comfortable bike seat can make all the difference to your bike-based workout. Many stationary bikes have no suspension, which can make a soft seat feel firmer, and a firm seat feel downright uncomfortable. Even if your bike has superior suspension, it can only absorb so much impact, which means any added comfort depends on the softness of the seat. And the quality of a stock bike seat made to fit an average rider isn’t likely to be a size or softness that suits your comfort level. A custom bike seat is the solution! Depending on your riding style and your physical requirements, it might take a little trial and error to find a bike seat that works for you. Here’s a list of five possibilities that have been custom chosen for their quality, size, and comfort.


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5 Exercise Bands That Take Your Workouts to Another Level

If you’re interested in resistance training, but find that traditional weightlifting isn’t your thing, exercise bands are the perfect solution. Their versatility can elevate your workouts in ways you’ve never imagined! Resistance bands come in a wide variety of resistance levels and allow movements that mimic the most intense weight workouts. They’re also excellent for active rest days to keep blood flowing to muscles while they recover from heavy weight work. 

If you’re on a budget, bands are much more affordable than machines or free weights, as well as being thoroughly portable and taking up less space than free weights. And for anyone who does favor weight workouts, BFR, or blood flow restriction bands are another type of exercise band that helps you maximize your workouts by isolating blood flow for ultimate size and tone at lower weight loads. The bands listed below can help your workouts reach new heights!

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5 kitchen items to make packing homemade meals easier

Maybe you want to eat healthier or save money. Maybe you want to spend more of your lunch break relaxing instead of running around trying to find food. The best way to reach these goals is to pack your own lunch. Forgetting or not having time to pack your meals is a hard habit to break.

Whether you’re packing your kid’s school lunches or your own lunches, we’ve compiled some helpful tips and kitchen items to put you back on track. Everything below will help make packing your homemade meals easier.

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