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3 sneaky reasons why life may be boring you

Sometimes, feeling a little bored can be a good thing. It may mean you’ve slowed down and are taking the time to stop and smell the roses. Paring down your schedule can help rejuvenate you. Repetition isn’t necessarily a bad thing, either. Going to the same office every day or cleaning your house each Friday may give you a sense of security.

However, sometimes, too much time and not enough to do — or doing the same things constantly — can lead to a more troublesome kind of boredom. When boredom prevents you from getting the most out of life or — worse yet — leaves you feeling down, you may want to assess why you’re having these feelings. Let’s discuss reasons you may think life is a bit dull and ways to fix it.

woman in pink dress sitting at a wooden table
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Surprising reasons you might be bored

If boredom feels like it snuck up on you, it may be challenging to pinpoint what’s gone wrong. However, there are a few under-the-radar reasons why you may consider life a tad dull these days.

Your life is too repetitive

You may have heard that sitting too much can fatigue your muscles. Boredom can, in essence, exhaust your mind. If you’re doing the same thing over and over, life can become too predictable and boring, particularly if you lack interest in what you’re doing.

You’re being micromanaged

If you feel like you don’t have the freedom to make your own decisions at work or home, you may start to feel constrained. For example, perhaps your boss asks for three check-ins on a long-term project per day, or a partner keeps nagging you to clean pots and pans a certain way. This boredom may have you feeling disengaged at your job or with your family because you don’t have any license to perform tasks in a way that feels authentic to you.

You need more meaning in your life

Maybe you subconsciously (or consciously) feel out of place at work or within your group of friends. A 2017 study found that people who said they were bored also felt like they lacked meaning in their lives. You may need to evaluate if you fit in and whether your daily activities provide actual value to your life.

woman in a white top sleeping on a table surrounded by plants
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The dangers of boredom

Boredom isn’t a trivial feeling. It can have some harmful consequences. Here are a few:

  • Burnout: Experts say that repetitive work can lead to burnout. It’s likely not a stretch to say that a monotonous lifestyle does, too, particularly when you consider that boredom is essentially a form of mental fatigue. Think about it: You would be physically burnt out if you ran a marathon every day. It makes sense that you’d be emotionally burned out if you performed the same tasks for the same micromanaging boss each day.
  • Emotional struggles: Boredom may contribute to feelings of depression, and neurologist Dr. Judy Willis writes that boredom can cause us to suffer emotionally.
  • Substance abuse: When people are bored, they may be more likely to engage in substance abuse.

How to beat back boredom

Sometimes, boredom may leave you feeling disengaged and hopeless. However, there are some strategies to try if you want help breaking out of your rut.

Try something new

If repetition is causing your boredom, mix it up a little. Hit up a new restaurant, sign up for a class, or take up a hobby you’ve always wanted to try, such as painting or golf. Not only will you hopefully have some fun, but you may also enhance your thinking skills, experts say.

Talk to the micromanager in your life

It can be hard to tell a superior or loved one that they are hurting us. However, if micromanagement is boring you and leaving you feeling disengaged, it may be worth approaching the person. Together, you may come to a solution. Being proactive and updating a boss before they ask can help you feel less micromanaged, experts advise.

Change scenery

Getting outside can do wonders for your mental health and leave you feeling reinvigorated. Some great anti-boredom outside activities include gardening, swimming, walking in the park, or hiking on a nature trail. If you need a massive change of scenery, consider booking a trip somewhere. Travel is opening back up, and studies indicate travel boosts happiness.

Get enough sleep

You need energy to be able to get up, go, and break out of your rut. Sleep is important. Make sure you’re getting enough each night. Experts generally recommend you get about eight hours of shut-eye.

There’s no need to always be on the go, and having a routine can be good for you. However, sometimes, the monotony of everyday life can lead to boredom. A lack of rest and a micromanaging supervisor can also leave you feeling blah. While a little boredom never hurt anyone (that we know of), too much of it can lead to job dissatisfaction, burnout, and mental health issues. Start by figuring out why you’re feeling bored. Then, map a strategy for getting out of your rut. Perhaps you need to have a conversation with your boss. You may also find yourself plotting a job change or in need of a way to get more sleep at night. Activities like hiking and traveling can also help you feel refreshed. Find what works for you, and you’ll be out of your rut in no time.

BlissMark provides information regarding health, wellness, and beauty. The information within this article is not intended to be medical advice. Before starting any diet or exercise routine, consult your physician. If you don’t have a primary care physician, the United States Health & Human Services department has a free online tool that can help you locate a clinic in your area. We are not medical professionals, have not verified or vetted any programs, and in no way intend our content to be anything more than informative and inspiring.

BethAnn Mayer
Beth Ann's work has appeared on and In her spare time, you can find her running (either marathons…
Stressed, or depressed? We’ll show you how to tell the difference
a woman sitting on a pillow with her hands over her face

Over the last couple of years, there’s been a movement to end the stigma surrounding mental health, including conditions like stress and depression.
At a time when more and more people are struggling with the emotional impact of an ongoing pandemic, this news is indeed good. According to the American Psychological Association, nearly 80 percent of adults said that the COVID-19 pandemic was a significant source of stress in 2020. As the pandemic continues, it’s not a stretch to think this stress will continue on top of the every day concerns like work or money issues.
Depression is also common, affecting more than 17 million U.S. adults per year, according to data from the National Institute of Mental Health.
Though many people experience stress or depression (or both), some key differences affect a diagnosis and treatment. Let’s discuss how you can distinguish between stress and depression.

What is stress?
Stress is a mental health concern, but it’s technically a physical response to an adverse situation. When you perceive something as a threat, the prefrontal cortex of your brain gets overwhelmed by chemicals. The prefrontal cortex of your brain affects executive functioning, like planning and decision-making. The amygdala, the part of your brain that controls the fear response, also goes on high alert.
In the meantime, your body releases adrenaline and cortisol, potentially causing physical responses like sweating, shortness of breath, and increased heart rate.
Stress can be chronic, but it’s often fleeting. You may experience stress at work under a tight deadline. Once you’ve completed the project, you can go home, unwind, and feel better.

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Here’s why you shouldn’t leave your yoga class before savasana
woman in savasana pose on blue yoga mat

There are many different types of yoga, from sweat-inducing hot yoga to more relaxed restorative practices. However, there’s one thing each session has in common: It ends with savasana. If you’ve ever done yoga, you likely know what it is: You lie on the floor, close your eyes, and breathe for 30 seconds or more.
Also known as corpse pose, the list of savasana benefits is a long one. Without understanding these advantages, you might be tempted to cut out of class (or X out of it, if you’re streaming one on YouTube or Amazon Prime) before completing the pose. Lying motionless might seem like a luxury when you have other responsibilities. Take a look at the benefits of corpse pose; you just might change your mind about skipping savasana.

The mental health benefits of savasana
Though there aren’t peer-reviewed studies specifically on corpse pose, it’s not a stretch to say it’s a form of meditation. Think about it: You’re lying still, focusing on your breathing, and cultivating mindfulness. There is a good bit of research on meditation and the many perks you can gain from practicing it. These benefits can also apply to corpse pose.

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5 benefits of chiropractic care that should convince you to make an appointment
a woman in a green shirt receiving chiropractic care

As complementary and alternative medicine use has risen in the U.S., so too has the popularity of chiropractors. More and more people rely on chiropractors to fix a wide variety of ailments, from back and neck stiffness to blood pressure.
If you’re not familiar with chiropractors, these claims may sound too good to be true. What is chiropractic care really, anyway?
Here’s a quick primer: Chiropractic care usually includes spinal manipulation and other manual therapies, such as stretching or joint manipulations. It’s traditionally done by hand, and people often use it for musculoskeletal issues. True chiropractic care is only performed by a licensed professional. Licensing laws differ by state, but chiropractors must pass the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners exam to obtain a state license. Is it effective? Let’s discuss.

Chiropractic care can relieve neck and back pain
When most people think about chiropractic care the first thing that comes to mind is usually pain relief. Aches and pains in our backs and necks happen for many reasons — age and overexercising being just two examples. The COVID pandemic hasn't helped. Many of us who have spent the year hunched over our kitchen tables working from home have noticed our postures worsen.
A 2019 study confirmed that one of the benefits of chiropractic care is the potential neck pain relief. Plus, research published in 2017 showed chiropractic care could help soothe back pain in the short term. What’s more, seeing a chiropractor may help keep these aches and pains from returning.

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