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Now is the time to add lentil pasta to your diet. Here’s why

Pasta is the quintessential comfort food. But traditional wheat pasta is not the best for your health, nor is it acceptable for people on all diets to eat. Thankfully, there are plenty of alternative types of pasta for people who are gluten-free, vegan, or simply want to eat a little healthier. Pastas made from green and red lentils are some of the best types available, primarily because of their numerous health advantages. Keep reading to learn why you might consider swapping your wheat pasta for this delicious alternative.

Lentil pasta with peas and tomatoes
Image used with permission by copyright holder

High in protein and fiber

Lentil pasta has more protein and more fiber than standard wheat pasta, both of which are an essential part of a healthy diet. Increased protein in your diet can help improve your metabolic health and your body’s fat-burning ability. It’s also helpful for maintaining a healthy weight, making you feel fuller, and increasing muscle mass when exercising.

Getting enough fiber in your diet also has a profound effect on your health. Those who have high fiber intakes have a lower risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and some gastrointestinal diseases. Eating lentil pasta on a regular basis is a great way to ensure you’re getting enough fiber and protein in your diet so you can reap these and other health rewards.

Low in carbs and calories

If you are on a low-carb diet, lentil pasta can be a lifesaver. Legume-based pasta has fewer carbohydrates than regular pasta. A low-carb diet can help you lose weight, especially from your abdominal cavity, lower blood sugar and insulin levels, and increase good cholesterol levels. Consuming fewer calories is also essential for weight loss. Compared to Barilla penne pasta, Barilla Red Lentil Rotini contains 5% fewer calories per serving. Cutting calories, when utilized in combination with regular exercise, is one of the simplest ways to shed extra pounds. Just be sure to consult your doctor to confirm your weight loss is healthy and sustainable.

Red lentil pasta with tomatoes and basil
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Takes longer to digest

This pasta alternative not only contains fewer carbohydrates, but your body takes longer to digest and absorb those carbs. Lentils are a slow-release, or low GI (Glycemic Index), carbs food. More simply put, low GI foods provide a slower and more prolonged release of energy, leaving you feeling energized for longer and more alert and boosting your cognitive performance. Low GI foods can also help to lower cholesterol levels, improve cardiovascular health, and maintain a healthy weight. Red lentils have a lower GI score than green lentils, though both qualify for this category.

Great source of calcium, iron, and potassium

Lentil pasta also contains more essential nutrients such as calcium, potassium, and iron than wheat pasta. Calcium is vital for keeping your bones strong and preventing osteoporosis. It may also help to lower blood pressure and protect against cancer and diabetes, though more research is necessary on the subject.

Iron is essential to many of the body’s vital functions. It helps to support the immune system, boost hemoglobin, and treat anemia. Consuming an adequate amount of iron in your diet can help prevent fatigue, making you feel more energized and attentive. Some studies have also found that iron can help resolve sleep problems like insomnia and restless sleep.

Lentil pasta has much more potassium than wheat pasta. Potassium is a mineral and electrolyte that helps with essential body functions like blood pressure, digestion, heart rhythm, water balance, pH balance, and more. Since our bodies don’t naturally produce potassium, it’s crucial to eat a diet with plenty of potassium-rich foods like lentils.

If you’re ready to ditch traditional pasta, you can’t get much better than lentil pasta. Both green and red lentil pasta are high in protein and fiber, low in carbs and calories, and provide essential vitamins and minerals. These nutrients help to support healthy body function, much more than wheat pasta does. No matter if you’re on a gluten-free diet or you just want to make healthier choices, you can’t go wrong by adding lentil pasta to your grocery list today.

BlissMark provides information regarding health, wellness, and beauty. The information within this article is not intended to be medical advice. Before starting any diet or exercise routine, consult your physician. If you don’t have a primary care physician, the United States Health & Human Services department has a free online tool that can help you locate a clinic in your area. We are not medical professionals, have not verified or vetted any programs, and in no way intend our content to be anything more than informative and inspiring.

Shannon Cooper
Freelance writer
Shannon Cooper has written about everything from pet care and travel to finance and plumbing in her seven years as a writer…
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