Is turmeric actually good for your skin? We did the research for you

There’s no individual cure or miracle ingredient that will immediately give you perfect, blemish-free skin. While skincare is an ongoing process, sometimes a super ingredient comes along that promises to singularly provide revolutionary results. While some of these ingredients don’t always meet expectations, others become a staple in our bathroom cabinet. For us, this staple product is turmeric. From cozy drinks to skincare products, this anti-inflammatory spice is giving everyone an enviable glow from the inside out.

Turmeric’s backstory

This bright yellowish-orange spice is ground from a root that’s very similar to ginger. Native to India, people have been including turmeric in food and drinks for thousands of years. Getting a little daily dose isn’t such a bad idea, as this spice can calm upset stomachs, soothe a cold, and even lower your risk of certain cancers.

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Because of its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antioxidant properties, it also makes a great addition to skincare products. If you are finding your skin has been looking dull, uneven, or a bit puffy, it may be time to incorporate turmeric into your skincare routine.

Karl Solano/Pexels

The biggest benefits for your skin

Turmeric is the MVP when it comes to all-around skin benefits. This spice is packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory capabilities, so it can even hyperpigmentation, calm acne, and reduce facial puffiness.

If you have uneven coloring in your skin, whether it’s the result of dark spots, discoloration, sun damage, or any other factor, turmeric can help with that. The anti-inflammatory property will break up and lighten up those dark spots. Additionally, this spice can encourage collagen production and help wounds heal more quickly, both processes that reduce scarring.

These anti-inflammatory properties can also calm irritated skin. If you’re managing acne, psoriasis, eczema, or other conditions that create general redness and puffiness (like under-eye bags), test out a few products with added turmeric and see the results for yourself.

What products to use

Face masks: For your next at-home spa day, opt for a face mask with added turmeric like ANAI RUI Turmeric Face Mask. You’ll see immediate results, and applying the spice directly to the skin can help brighten your tone and leave your face smooth and glowing.

Turmeric moisturizers: For day-to-day use, invest in a turmeric moisturizer like Neutrogena Soothing Clear Gel Facial Moisturizer with Turmeric. This is especially helpful for people with acne or other blemishes, as turmeric can decrease redness or any other hyperpigmentation associated with these conditions.

Toners: A toner should be a part of your daily routine. This must-have product evens tone and clears pores, leaving your skin fresh and luminous. By purchasing a toner with turmeric included, such as Neutrogena Soothing Clear Calming Facial Mist Spray with Turmeric, you can optimize the benefits of toner with a dose of even more antioxidants.

Eye creams: As we previously mentioned, turmeric does wonders for under-eye bags and dark circles by decreasing both puffiness and discoloration. Try Sweet Chef’s Turmeric + Vitamin C Booster Eye Cream and say goodbye to morning puffiness for good.

Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels

You can always eat your turmeric

While applying this spice directly to your face will provide immediate results, the impact is only skin deep. For a whole-body transformation, take a look at these easy methods to add turmeric into your diet.

  • Supplements: A daily supplement is one of the easiest ways to receive your daily dose of this spice. As long as you’re good at taking it consistently, you’ll be able to reap the benefits of this anti-inflammatory in a matter of weeks.
  • Tea: If you’re a tea lover, then you’re in luck. Turmeric tastes delicious in tea, especially when added to green tea. For a stronger flavor, steep ground, grated, or powdered turmeric in boiling water for a relaxing beverage with notes of orange and ginger.

Turmeric doesn’t need any special preparation, so consider keeping a bag of this spice on you. Whether you want to make your own skincare products or add some to your tea, having some ground turmeric on hand will ensure you can easily add a boost of antioxidants to any of your products, foods, or drinks.

This bright, fun spice has been around for so long because of its delicious flavor, of course, but also because of its wide range of health benefits. So what are you waiting for? Regardless of your preference to apply or ingest it, it’s time to bring your skin back to life with some turmeric.

BlissMark provides information regarding health, wellness, and beauty. The information within this article is not intended to be medical advice. Before starting any diet or exercise routine, consult your physician. If you don’t have a primary care physician, the United States Health & Human Services department has a free online tool that can help you locate a clinic in your area. We are not medical professionals, have not verified or vetted any programs, and in no way intend our content to be anything more than informative and inspiring.

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