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What you need to know to find the best clean makeup brands

Clean living is a whole lifestyle, encompassing what you eat, wear, and put on your body. The skin is the body’s largest organ, so it’s especially important to treat it well with the best clean beauty products.

With countless makeup brands out there, it can be difficult to know where to start. We’re helping you out with this handy guide to finding clean makeup brands that your skin will love.

Start small

If you want to Marie Kondo your beauty products and toss out all the chemical-filled creams and gels, go for it! However, you can also make your transition to clean beauty more gradual, replacing your products with cleaner alternatives as you go through them. Switching them out piece by piece also means you don’t have to do all the research at once either. Further, since natural products tend to be more expensive, purchasing in installments can be easier on your wallet, too.

No need to get too overwhelmed.

A woman smiling as she puts on her makeup.
Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels

Check the ingredients

Many beauty products contain ingredients that increase the strength of the product and keep them from expiring too early. Unfortunately, many of these ingredients are also common irritants that can lead to redness, itching, and other uncomfortable side effects.

For your clean beauty cabinet, stay away from:

  • Parabens
  • Sulfates
  • Phthalates
  • Alcohol
  • Fragrance
  • Formaldehyde

Instead, look for brands that state their product is:

  • Clean
  • Organic
  • Cruelty-free
  • Vegan

The more natural it is, the less likely it is to aggravate your skin. Of course, if you have any pre-existing allergies, especially to any herbs or foods, keep a close eye on the ingredient list as these products are filled with plant-based ingredients.

Natural vs. organic

Though many people use them interchangeably, there’s a pretty significant distinction between natural and organic products.

Organic refers to how that product was made — where the actual ingredients came from and how they were grown or produced. Organic products are free from pesticides and other chemicals that are likely to irritate sensitive skin.

On the other hand, the label “natural” means the products come from, well, nature. Plants and minerals, as opposed to artificial chemicals, are common natural ingredient bases. But here’s the tricky thing: Natural products aren’t regulated like organic ones. They don’t have the same process or guidelines, so you may have to do a little research on your own to determine if the product is natural enough for you.

Various makeup products on a table.
Emma Bauso/Pexels

Google the brand

A quick internet search can allay any hesitations about investing in a new brand. Look for news about their production practices and read any customer reviews to get the truth about a product that you likely won’t find on the website. While a brand’s site is a great place to look for product-specific information, it’s usually full of marketing jargon that isn’t always completely transparent. Be a conscious consumer and do a little independent research.

While you’re at it, check out how this company packages its products. There’s nothing worse than investing in an environmentally friendly product just to find it wrapped in three layers of plastic. If the ingredients are clean but the way it’s packaged isn’t, it’s probably best to keep looking.

Which brands to check out

Now for the fun part — shopping! We can’t list all of our favorite natural products, but we can point you in the right direction.

Mad Hippie: This is certainly a fan favorite. From the eco-friendly packaging to the company’s passion for giving back to the planet, these people have thought of everything. Mad Hippie has a smaller product line, so while you may not find everything, you can certainly stock up on the basics like mascara, concealer, and moisturizer.

100% Pure Beauty: With a name this clear, you can rest easy knowing you’re getting the cream of the crop. Whether it’s makeup, skincare, body care, or even wellness products, this company has something for everyone. The makeup is also made with real fruit for a natural, amazing aroma. Plus, this brand even offers a college student discount! Score!

Next time you’re rifling through your beauty products, take a look at the ingredient lists, check out the packaging, and do a little research on your go-to brands. If they’re not as clean as they should be, make a note to try out a more natural alternative next time you run out.

BlissMark provides information regarding health, wellness, and beauty. The information within this article is not intended to be medical advice. Before starting any diet or exercise routine, consult your physician. If you don’t have a primary care physician, the United States Health & Human Services department has a free online tool that can help you locate a clinic in your area. We are not medical professionals, have not verified or vetted any programs, and in no way intend our content to be anything more than informative and inspiring.

Dannielle Beardsley
Dannielle has written for various websites, online magazines, and blogs. She loves everything celebrity and her favorite…
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Lips are technically skin, and while you're focusing on applying product to your t-zone, your lips are feeling a little left out. Lips crave moisture in the colder months, and products like lip masks can be the ideal way to provide your lips with proper hydration to avoid unwanted cracking or peeling.

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It turns out, beauty sleep isn’t just a cliche. While we sleep, our body replaces dead cells and restores new ones, keeping our skin radiant, hydrated, and clear.
In the winter, it’s arguably even more important to log hours of quality sleep and give our skin some extra TLC. The chillier air outside and drier air inside due to heat can wreak havoc on our skin. In the winter, you may notice an increase in dry, flaky skin or even lip eczema. In addition to pulling out hats, scarves, and gloves, you will want to have some go-to skincare products and routines you take out of hibernation during the cooler months.
You can maximize your beauty sleep by finding products that get to work while you’re catching some Zzzs. These overnight treatments for skin will keep your skin soft and smooth, even when the temperatures are harsh.

What are overnight treatments?
As the name implies, overnight treatments help soothe, repair, and rejuvenate your body as you sleep. For example, some people put on a deep conditioner and wrap their hair, so their mane looks silky and healthy in the morning.
Overnight treatments for skin can do the same. Experts share that these treatments are usually different than standard night creams or serums. Ingredients may be more concentrated than typical night creams. Formulators often design the products to work with the body’s circadian rhythm, delivering key components to the skin at the optimal time.
Overnight treatments can help with a variety of conditions, including dryness and acne. When shopping, you’ll want to know your goals, so you can choose a product that best meets your needs.

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