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Green gift ideas your mom will love this Mother’s Day

Evgeny Atamanenko/Shutterstock

The world is changing, and unfortunately, it’s changing for the worse. Climate change is becoming more destructive by the day, and if we don’t change our practices by 2030, the impact will be irreversible. Fortunately, there is a growing movement toward sustainability in consumerism.

A study out of the NYU Stern’s Center of Business found that, between 2013 and 2018, half of all growth in the sales of consumer packaged goods (think retail, grocery, and drug stores) came from sustainable or eco-conscious products. Over the next few years, we can keep this up until the majority of packaged goods are eco-friendly.

Keep this in mind when you’re looking for the perfect Mother’s Day gift, and try to have the greenest Mother’s Day ever. If you’re still looking for ideas, keep reading as we walk through a few green gift ideas that Mom, and Mother Earth, will love.


All-natural beauty products

Spa day, here we come! Nowadays, there is a raft of companies selling sustainably made bath and beauty products, including everything from bath bombs to facial cleansers.

Although the definition of “sustainable” can vary, these products are often recyclable, nontoxic, and free of ingredients that can harm the environment. Many green beauty products do not include harmful additives such as palm oil, which requires farmers in Asia and Latin America to clear-cut acres of precious rainforest in order to cultivate the trees.

Some of the leaders in sustainable bath and beauty products include REN, Credo Beauty, Love Goodly, and Lush, just to name a few. All have their own unique spins on sustainability — REN, for example, makes packaging out of plastic trash reclaimed from the ocean, while Lush focuses on minimal, non-plastic packaging. Take a look in your favorite wellness or beauty store and you’ll be sure to find a product that most resonates with Mom.

Greener flowers

Flowers are so beautiful and natural that they must be eco-friendly, right? Wrong. The cut flower industry is a large source of carbon emissions because many are imported from nations with optimal growing conditions like Ecuador. Additionally, to keep them looking fresh, the flowers are hit with a medley of pesticides that can be toxic to the surrounding wildlife.

Instead, look for locally grown, sustainably sourced flowers to brighten up the brunch table. For example, connects people with farms that minimize waste and recycle water, among other sustainability measures. Even the big players are working toward more eco-friendly practices. The popular website offers fair trade plants and flowers from farms that “follow socially responsible practices.”


Jewelry made from recycled materials

Stop picturing old soda cans and start imagining beautiful jewelry that doubles as a nifty conversation piece. Options vary from place to place and business to business, but designers can craft rings, necklaces, and a variety of other pieces from recycled materials like cans, silver, and other metals.

One of the most popular sustainable jewelry options is the simple bracelets from 4Ocean. The company makes a strong statement about ocean waste by creating jewelry made from plastic that was pulled out of the ocean as well as post-consumer gemstones and metal that would otherwise be in a landfill. Other gorgeous recycled jewelry brands include Fair Anita and Finnish company Lovia.

Green products are created thoughtfully with a larger purpose in mind than simply maximizing profit. That’s why any mother who receives a green gift on Mother’s Day will know you went the extra mile. With so many more people becoming more aware of the planet’s health, interest in green products is likely to continue to rise. So along with your annual Mother’s Day traditions, consider grabbing something for Mom that both she and the environment will love.

BlissMark provides information regarding health, wellness, and beauty. The information within this article is not intended to be medical advice. Before starting any diet or exercise routine, consult your physician. If you don’t have a primary care physician, the United States Health & Human Services department has a free online tool that can help you locate a clinic in your area. We are not medical professionals, have not verified or vetted any programs, and in no way intend our content to be anything more than informative and inspiring.

Scott Harris
Scott Harris is a freelance writer based near Washington, DC, with more than a decade of experience covering health…
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