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5 best apps for swimming workouts you need right now

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Many leading fitness apps are either general health trackers that monitor steps and heart rate or guided workout services that cover everything from yoga to kickboxing. Those apps are certainly great resources, but the fitness app options aren’t relegated to ground training. In fact, another group of exercise apps covers one of the best cardiovascular exercises: swimming.

If you’re ready to take your aquatic training to the next level, check out these five fitness apps for swimmers.


Although there are many worthy swimming apps, most experts and reviewers agree that MySwimPro is the premier option in the space. In fact, in 2016, Apple named MySwimPro the best app of the year for the Apple Watch.

Therein lies the key to many successful swimming apps: they’re designed for the Apple Watch (water-resistant up to 50 meters or 164 feet), or other waterproof smartwatches, as opposed to a smartphone that might not be so compatible with water.

MySwimPro offers hundreds of workouts broken out into various categories, including swimming stroke, duration, desired intensity, and other helpful metrics. It’s also compatible with a range of water-resistant wearable tech, including those from Garmin and FitBit.


Swim Coach

Users love the Swim Coach app for its simple interface and minimized ad interruption. However, the easy-to-use platform doesn’t mean there’s a lack of features. This app has great functionality, providing workouts that are customizable based on fitness level and personal goals. Training for a triathlon? Swim Coach has you covered. Or maybe you’re new to the pool, at least as a workout spot. This app can help you discover new workouts as well that are more engaging than just swimming laps.

Whether you want the consistency of a full plan or the flexibility of a more a la carte workout plan, Swim Coach has got you covered. With so much personalization, this app works well for all levels and lifestyles.

Although it’s a smartphone app, Swim Coach data is easy to transfer to Garmin smartwatches, so you can get your workout on regardless of your device.

You know this app is worth a look because it was created by U.S. Masters Swimming, a national nonprofit dedicated to all things swimming and swimmers. The app provides a straightforward tracking tool for people who aren’t looking for a lot of bells and whistles.

It’s also a great motivational partner, particularly for swimmers who work out on their own and don’t need a rigid training program. It’s also compatible with most major smartwatch brands, so you can sync and transfer data with no major issues.

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Are you a swim coach looking to track your team’s progress? This could be your ideal tool. SwimSyns is a great tool for those looking for a little healthy competition, either with themselves or with the whole team. Graph each swimmer’s progress, set benchmarks, and compare performance among your team members. This app also has a feature that allows you to manage your meet schedule and lineups.

If you’re on a solo plan, take advantage of the comprehensive tracking capabilities to monitor your results both in the pool or in open water with no coach or team necessary.

Just Swim

While many swim apps focus on higher intensity training for competitive swimmers, this app caters to the casual swimmer who’s looking for a straightforward program to track progress.

Just Swim app focuses on calories burned more than the number of laps completed or speed per stroke. It’s ideal for people who are on specific diet plans that use calories burned and consumed as major metrics.

All of these swimming apps do more than count your laps, although that’s certainly an important ingredient. Whether you’re looking to be the next great triathlete or just get in your cardiovascular exercise for the day, there’s an app here that’s designed for your goals. Put succinctly, every app on this list can open up a new fitness frontier for regular swimmers and newcomers alike. Ready to dive in?

BlissMark provides information regarding health, wellness, and beauty. The information within this article is not intended to be medical advice. Before starting any diet or exercise routine, consult your physician. If you don’t have a primary care physician, the United States Health & Human Services department has a free online tool that can help you locate a clinic in your area. We are not medical professionals, have not verified or vetted any programs, and in no way intend our content to be anything more than informative and inspiring.

Scott Harris
Scott Harris is a freelance writer based near Washington, DC, with more than a decade of experience covering health…
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