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Does signing petitions do anything? What you need to know

Gone are the days when getting signatures on your petition required knocking on doors and standing outside the grocery store to recruit passersby to your cause. With online petitions, organizers can receive hundreds of thousands of signatures within a matter of days, addressing issues both essential and trivial. Because of their popularity, petitions are becoming one of the biggest drivers of social change.

An online petition created about a year ago calling for justice for George Floyd is the most signed petition on with over 19 million signatures, inspiring nationwide conversations about policing and systemic racism in America. You don’t always need millions of supporters to make a difference though, so keep reading to learn more about how petitions, both big and small, can make a real difference.

Woman signing a petition
Bryan J. Scrafford/Shutterstock

Do petitions actually work?

Petitions are just one part of an overall strategy for change. They can serve several purposes:

  • Let decision-makers know what the public is thinking.
  • Suggest to media that an issue has enough public interest to do a story.
  • Help an organization build a list of people who are interested in an issue.
  • Bring about additional action and raise money.

To make a change within the government, petitions with a certain number of signatures (determined on a state-by-state basis) can ensure a new policy or candidate finds its place on a ballot. These official petitions have legal requirements which outline the specific forms and rules for signing and submitting the document. These often have to be conducted in person, which is why you may see organizers with clipboards in public parks and other highly trafficked areas. These local petitions are highly effective and often inspire policy change in the community.

However, internet petitions have less official power. Unlike political petitions, the government does not have a legal obligation to respond. That said, petitions still play a crucial role in social justice movements, often building momentum for the cause. The outpouring of support proves to legislators, companies, and other influential figures just how crucial the issue is. Petitions also serve as an entry point into activism, teaching a broad audience about the issue and encouraging them to get involved.

Critics often refer to online petitions as “slacktivism,” a low-risk way to support a cause by simply clicking a button. However, the accessibility of online petitions is precisely what makes them great. As Rosemary Clark-Parsons, associate director of the University of Pennsylvania’s Center on Digital Culture and Society, puts it, “what critics refer to as ‘slacktivism’ can actually create an alternative outlet for those who would typically not get involved in any movement at all.”

Two women signing petitions

A word of warning

With an online petition, it’s important to do research on the sponsoring organization or individual. As with anything on the internet, use caution when dealing with your personal information. When you sign a petition, you’re giving your name and email address to a potentially unknown group that can use it for reasons you did not intend such as placing you on an email list or selling your personal information to outside organizations. It’s always best to do your homework before blindly signing anything.

If you have any questions about a charity’s trustworthiness or what it’s using your money for, check out Charity Navigator for more information, and be sure to review any terms of use you are asked to confirm.

Man signing a petition at a protest

Know what you’re getting into

Once you determine that an organization and the cause are legitimate, there are other issues to consider:

  • Is the change possible? Has the organization broken the problem down into winnable steps?
  • Are you comfortable with being asked for money?
  • Are you willing to take further action, if asked, such as sharing the campaign on social media, being an advocate in your community, or asking others for financial support?

How to maximize your impact

Signing a petition shouldn’t be the end of your activism. After you sign, be sure to take the following steps to make sure your voice is heard, even after your signature is read:

  • Educate yourself. Read blogs, books, and social media posts, listen to podcasts, watch documentaries, and speak to people involved in the movement. The more you know, the more you can do to help.
  • Spread awareness. After signing, consider sharing the petition with your friends and family. If you did any research before or after signing, share those resources as well.
  • Donate. Money doesn’t solve everything, but it certainly solves a lot of things. Many organizations behind social justice movements are nonprofits that need money to continue their work. If you want your donation to have the biggest impact, consider giving to grassroots organizations with smaller overhead costs. Without the costs of supporting a national organization, these groups can invest donated money directly into the community.
  • Get involved. If you’re passionate about a specific cause, find volunteer opportunities with organizations that are pushing for the changes you believe in.

Petitions are an easy and accessible way to gain support for a cause, whether it’s adding a stop sign at an especially dangerous intersection or altering federal tax law. Regardless of the scope, these petitions can prove to national, local, and global leaders that it’s time for a change. But it’s important to understand the limitations of petitions and the implications of signing one.

BlissMark provides information regarding health, wellness, and beauty. The information within this article is not intended to be medical advice. Before starting any diet or exercise routine, consult your physician. If you don’t have a primary care physician, the United States Health & Human Services department has a free online tool that can help you locate a clinic in your area. We are not medical professionals, have not verified or vetted any programs, and in no way intend our content to be anything more than informative and inspiring.

Shannon Cooper
Freelance writer
Shannon Cooper has written about everything from pet care and travel to finance and plumbing in her seven years as a writer…
5 things you need to create a 100% DIY charcuterie board
Adorable charcuterie boards

Charcuterie boards are the ultimate crowd-pleaser. No matter if you’re hosting a sophisticated dinner party, cozy movie night, or an intimate evening with your partner, you can’t go wrong with one of these upscale appetizer plates. But assembling a great board is truly an art form. To arrange a memorable and delicious charcuterie, you’ll need to do more than toss a few store-bought crackers and cheeses on a platter. So, are you ready to take your charcuterie board up a notch? Try out these five excellent products that you can use to create a unique and completely homemade appetizer.

Making a genuinely homemade charcuterie board is simple once you have the right products. First, you need the base of the board: a natural wood platter from Thirteen Chefs. Next, go the extra mile and make your own cheeses and meats for the charcuterie. The hobby kits from Sandy Leaf Farm make it fun and straightforward to make tasty dried meat and soft cheese from scratch. Complete the scene with a few Instagram-worthy accessories, like a chef-quality cheese knife set and a multi-functional wine opener. With these incredible products, it’s simple to create a jaw-dropping charcuterie board that’s as impressive as it is delicious.

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5 accessories you need to relax around a fire pit
A young couple sit outside of their tent near a campfire, talking over coffee

One of the newest trends in self-care is spending the night outdoors around a fire pit. The night air and the sound of a crackling fire can help you relax and step away from the stress of the day, and it can be an activity you can do on your own or with your entire family.

Once you have your fire pit, though, you need some accessories to make the setup just right to be comfortable and relax. These products will take care of the seating and also make it less stressful to get the fire going to begin a nice, relaxing night.

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What you should do to keep condiments from leaving a sticky mess
Variety of condiments in serving bowls

Nobody likes a sticky kitchen mess. They’re hard to clean up, plus they can attract all sorts of pests. But if you’re a condiment lover, you’re probably overly familiar with these spills. At some point, you’ve probably opened your pantry to a mysterious puddle forming on the shelf. These messes, while annoying, are fortunately pretty easy to avert with a bit of creativity and planning. Keep reading to learn more about cleaning up and preventing messes from condiments in your refrigerator and pantry.

Clean up the mess
Before you take any measures to prevent spillage, clean up any existing messes. Wipe up any fresh spills using a paper towel or reusable cloth. If the residue is sticky or tough to remove, wet a cloth with hot water and lay it on top of the stain to soften it. After five minutes (or longer for stuck-on messes), you should be able to wipe it off with ease. You can use your favorite store-bought cleaner or try this DIY, all-natural kitchen cleaner from The Kitchn.
• 16-oz spray bottle
• 1 cup distilled white vinegar
• 1 cup water
• 3 drops tea tree oil
• 3 drops grapefruit oil
This cleaning product is super easy to make. Pour the vinegar and water into the spray bottle — you can use a funnel if needed. Then, slowly add the essential oil drops. Close the lid tightly and shake the bottle to allow the ingredients to combine fully. Spray as needed on your kitchen surfaces and wipe the area clean. The oil tends to separate and sit at the top of the mixture, so it helps to give it a good shake before every spritz.
Wipe off the bottle before storing
Condiment containers often leak from the opening at the top. With a twist-off cap, liquid can get stuck in the grooves of the lid. Over time, gravity causes the food to drip down, out of the cap and onto your shelf. Even flip-up tops can become covered with food after use. And when you close the cover, the excess can seep out of the sides and create a mess. However, you can easily avoid this situation by wiping down the opening and the lids of your sauce bottles before storing them to remove any excess food that could cause a potential spill. By cleaning the tops of the containers after every use, you can avoid most sticky leaks.

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