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How to stay warm during this never-ending winter

If you’ve had it with the cold temperatures, you aren’t alone. January always feels like it’s 47 days long, and with the blustery conditions and winter storm warnings still making headlines every week, summer can feel like it’s a million miles away. As long as we all have to trudge through the cold season (for a little while longer, at least), why not stay warm and stylish? We found five must-haves to dress your winter skin when you’re out and about and trying to enjoy the months ahead.

Check out our selection of winter gear that is perfect for the upcoming weeks and to stock up on for next year while they last!


Staying warm during cold months is essential, not only for your overall health but to give you confidence that when you need or want to be out and about, you won’t find yourself shivering. All these items are must-haves for the winter and are good to keep on hand for anyone who visits who may not be entirely prepared for the cold. At these prices, it doesn’t take a big investment to stay toasty.

Julie Scagell
I am a freelance writer based in Minneapolis, MN. My passions include my dogs, talking about my dogs, and taking pictures of…
How to make your own personal fragrance using essential oils
how to make cologne with essential oil mathilde langevin ymkjbly4jmm unsplash

Are you looking for a signature scent? Instead of spending a pretty penny on an expensive perfume or cologne, try making your very own bottle of fragrance by using essential oils. Creating your own scent can guarantee a personalized fragrance made with clean ingredients that won't break the bank. Whether your preference is floral scents or musky aromas, a DIY cologne is the perfect beauty accessory for you or a gift for a loved one. 

If you’re on board to try creating your fragrance, we’ve broken down all the steps and materials you need to get started.

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What you need to know about dandruff (and how to get rid of it)
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One thing is sure, no matter where you're from or what you look like, there's a 50% chance you've experienced dandruff and a flakey scalp. Studies have shown that dandruff is geographically universal and is something one in every two people will experience in their lifetime. So while you may be embarrassed to wear black clothing or purchase dandruff shampoo, you are not alone in your plight.

While the root cause of dandruff is hard to pinpoint, studies have shown that dandruff (otherwise known as seborrheic dermatitis) can have multiple reasons. Below, we outline some of the leading causes of dandruff and how you can take actionable steps to get rid of it and maintain your scalp health. 

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How drinking water impacts skin health during winter
A woman holding up a glass of water.

Have you ever gone most of the day without drinking water? How did you feel? Sluggish. Tired. Now think about that feeling when you drink a glass of water after being outside for a while? You immediately feel refreshed and perk right up.

Your skin feels the same way. When you don’t keep up with your water intake your skin starts to pay the price. One of the easiest (and cheapest) beauty products for your skin is water. While it won’t completely turn back time, let’s check out what water will do for your skin.

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