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5 ways to step up your relaxation game

In our busy lives it can sometimes be hard to justify carving time out of your day to do something purely for yourself – something that isn’t necessarily productive. But the fact is that in order to be our best selves and ward off burnout, it’s extremely necessary to make sure we have adequate decompression time, whether that happens before or after work, or just in small breaks throughout the day. These are some of our favorite products to aid you in setting aside the time to take care of you.

Coffee tables can be a difficult piece of furniture to shop for – they come in so many styles and as a whole are largely overlooked when it comes to décor, but they really do a lot for us. From holding beverages to stashing remotes and electronics, it’s easy to overlook form in favor of function. This boonVIVO coffee table is elegant without being dated and will add a sense of calm and luxury to any space. Add your favorite magazines and a candle and it’s the perfect piece to add to an otherwise busy room

The concept of making coffee to relax may seem counterproductive, but it’s all about the idea of a ritual. When you take the time to brew a cup of coffee you’re taking a moment for yourself, bringing several components together, and creating. If you, like many of us, need caffeine in the morning to get going, this cold brew coffee maker is a great way to get it.

Again, wielding a knife may not sound like the most relaxing thing to do, but the process of cutting up fruits for a salad or vegetables for roasting is something to do that keeps your hands busy and allows your mind to wander. It can be these meditative actions – like showering, or pulling weeds – that can often lead to bursts of creativity, or problem solving. This cutting board is large enough so you won’t feel crowded, but can still be easily stored away when you’re done using it.

It’s almost impossible to discuss relaxation without mentioning baths, a mainstay of leisure time. One thing that can be overlooked, however, is that it’s not just the act of soaking in a tub, but the environment that contributes to stress relief as well. Be sure to light some candles, play some music, and introduce elements into your bathing space that invoke a spa-like atmosphere. This olive wood bath salt scoop is perfect for adding a little luxury into the ritual of drawing a bath.

Keeping your bedroom relatively distraction-free can go a long way towards making the time you spend in it more rejuvenating. Soft bedding in a calming color can provide a sense of peace and serves as a neutral base for any throw pillows or blankets you may have. This Microfiber duvet cover set is perfect for anyone wanting to refresh their space while adding a dose of opulence and comfort.

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Intentionally setting aside time to relax – or even just do small things in our day to care for ourselves – is vital to not only our mental health, but our physical health as well. Small rituals, like chopping up vegetables for a salad or brewing coffee in the morning give us a moment to clear our heads and face our next task feeling refreshed and adding in pieces to our space that are visually relaxing can help keep us focused throughout our busy day. These products are a great start towards baking in a little luxury and stress relief into your daily routine.

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5 Great Seats for Your Bike

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