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Choose classic toys to keep kids engaged for years

We’ve all seen plenty of kids’ playrooms, chock-full of big, brightly-colored plastic with the power to light up little faces like magic—until the next big, brightly-colored thing comes along. Keeping kids’ hands and minds actively engaged demands considerable time, effort and thought towards, among other things, sourcing toys and games that bring enduring joy to growing children.

Classic toys and games that have easily withstood the test of time (and trends)—building blocks, train sets, board games—are always a smart investment. Keep children of all ages alert and entertained with durable alternatives to cheap throwaway toys, each designed to challenge developing brains and to let imaginations soar.

We know it’s not always easy to resist fads, and the temptation to buy kids—yours or anyone else’s—the most popular playthings, whether affordable or pricey, is an ever-present reality. But consider also purchasing the kinds of toys and games that have universal appeal to kids of all ages, and—as illustrated in the 5 kids’ toys featured above—have managed to outlast both fashion and trends for very good reasons. The kids who engage with them, we’re quite sure, will only thank you.

Promila Shastri
Promila is a New York-based writer, editor, and content creator, whose focus is on visual culture—product design…
5 office accessories to increase your productivity
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Whether you work from home or in the office, staying productive can be challenging. Your workdays are packed full of tasks and meetings, and with so many things competing for your attention, it's easy to get distracted. A well-planned schedule can go a long way to help you manage your time, but you can support your efforts in other ways too. The right tools can help you stay on task and be more productive. Keep reading to check out five office accessories that will not only make your workday more manageable but also set you up for success.

That’s it! Five office accessories that will help you stay productive. Whether you work from home or in an office, these tools can make your day a little bit easier. Give them a try and benefit from increased focus, time management, and success.

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It is what it is.

That, in a broad nutshell, is the core principle of radical acceptance. Indeed, it’s a simpler concept than it might seem — and it could help you simplify your life and let go of unneeded suffering.

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These 5 products will keep your dog happy as a clam
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Dog parent parenthood can be great for your physical and mental health. Research from 2019 showed that people had less anxiety and better moods after interacting with a pup. Another study found that dog parents were fur times more likely to hit physical activity benchmarks, which the CDC defines as 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per day.
Your dog will help you stay healthy and happy, and you probably want to do the same for your fur baby. It’s a big responsibility, even if you’re getting a little dog. Dogs need training and engagement. You’ll want to help them practice good hygiene. Caring — and shopping — for them is part of the fun, though. Here are five great items for dog parents.

Caring for a dog is a big responsibility that requires you to keep their health and happiness top of mind. Dogs need food, water, grooming, and lots of love. Grooming gloves and rakes make de-shedding feel more like pet pampering. Training is essential in helping your dog become the best version of themselves, and toys give them something fun to do with and without you. Sometimes, your little one may have an accident. You’ll still love them, but you’ll want to have a stain and odor remover on hand to keep your home tidy. As much work as pet parenthood is, it’s rewarding. Research shows dogs improve our physical and mental well-being. It’s not surprising — after a long day at work, who doesn’t love getting showered in kisses by a pet who loves you unconditionally?

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