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5 fantastic products for a foodie-centric, at-home date night

Going to a local restaurant or bar for a dinner-date night or late night is a fun way to spend time with your S.O. However, sometimes, you may crave something a bit more intimate.

Move the restaurant, bar, and even beer-brewing process to your home. Cooking and making drinks together requires you to work as a team, strengthening your bond. Plus, it’s fun to toast to something with something you made yourselves. To step your home date-night games up, you’ll want to invest in some practical and fun products. These items will help you serve up a romantic and delicious evening with the one you love.

Moving date night to your kitchen and living room may sound boring at face value, but it presents endless ways to enhance your bond. Making a meal together can be memorable and delicious. You’ll work together as a team and aren’t limited to food prep. These days, you can even make your own drinks, including beer, soda, and cocktails. You’ll want to have bottles to put your beverage in and a bartender kit to craft specialty cocktails, such as the signature drink from your wedding. Make sure you have a study cutting board so you can slice and dice like a chef and tools to make sweet treats, like a pastry cutter. Finally, place some candles on the table to up the romance.

BethAnn Mayer
Beth Ann's work has appeared on and In her spare time, you can find her running (either marathons…
5 must-have baby products for your car
the best baby sunscreens sunscreen

When you are preparing for a new baby, there are many aspects of your life that need to be adjusted. One of them is your car and the things you have ready and stocked within it. In the past, you've probably kept your car pretty clean without too much effort, but once babies come into the picture, all bets are off. There are certain products that you can get to make your car baby-ready. There are things that you can install in your car directly as well as products that you may just want to have in your car in case you need them. Kids can be so messy no matter what their age, so it's important to be prepared.

Use the products above to make sure you are prepared when driving with kids in your car. They will help keep things clean and contain some of the messes that they inevitably make.

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Create the ultimate craft space with these 5 products
a woman with dark curly hair sits in front of a canvas and paints, surrounded by brushes in jars and paint bottles

Arts and crafts aren't just for kids. They can be the perfect way for any adult to decompress and tune out all the stresses of everyday life. Although our days tend to be dominated by work, family, and smartphones, spending time surrounded by craft supplies and letting your creativity flow can be just what the doctor ordered. Crafting can be the perfect way to practice a bit of self-care when life gets busy.

A well-stocked craft room at home can be just what it takes to inspire you to put down the smartphone and laptop and destress by expressing your creativity. Whether you have a project in mind that you've been planning to start or simply enjoy starting from scratch, these 5 products will help you create the ultimate craft space in your home that you'll love to use over and over again.

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5 products to make your run easier
positivity stress expert help running bridge

So you want to get in shape and get into running, or you want to make your run even more pleasant. Both of these things are great! Certain things can make for a much more enjoyable run, such as music and water access. Having the right tools can make you even more motivated to get your run in. You may even look forward to going!

Phones and water bottles (plus your keys!) can be hard to carry when you're running. They may get in the way, or your pockets might not be big enough, which is a common problem with women's pants. The products below will make it so much easier to carry these things, so all you need to worry about is your run. 

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