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5 great tools to make camping feel like glamping

As the weather warms and summer months near, it’s not unusual to be bit by the travel bug. If you’re like the myriad of others who turn to camping as a way to enjoy the natural world, you will need to bring a few comforts from home in order to stay comfortable on your adventures.

Besides the obvious—basics like a tent, sleeping bag, food, water, and clothes—there are a few camping tools you’ll want to make sure to pack. Some of these items are essential for your safety while out in the wild, though others you may be able to live without (not that you’ll want to). It doesn’t take much to take your camping trip to the next level, and these five helpful tools will do exactly that.

With these five tools in your backpack, you’ll be more than ready to take on the wild. You won’t lose any sleep, you’ll get to see some amazing views, and you’ll get to enjoy a few comforts from home. Who knows—maybe being outdoors won’t feel so wild and unfamiliar by the end of the trip, even if you needed to enlist the help of a few comfort items along the way.

Remember, camping should be enjoyable, so don’t be afraid to do it your way—even if your way includes string lights and some bathroom accessories! As long as you’re enjoying yourself (or relaxing) and respecting the natural world, that’s what camping is all about.

Gabrielle LaFrank
Gabrielle LaFrank has written for sites such as Psych2Go, Elite Daily, and, currently, PawTracks. When she's not writing, you…
5 Items You Need to Make Perfect Date Night Cocktail
Man and woman virtual date

Candles, check. Meal, check. Date, check. You have everything you need for the perfect at-home date night. Well, almost. The only thing missing is a good cocktail. A good cocktail normally requires having to leave your house and go to a bar. However, you no longer have to break the bank at a bar to get a professional level cocktail for your date night. There are plenty of at-home bar accessories you can get that will help you make the perfect cocktail at home and impress your date. 

Planning the perfect date night takes time and effort. There are many factors you have to take into consideration. After you have your date, meal, and candles set for your date night, do not forget about the drinks. These gadgets will help you make a professional worthy cocktails without ever having to leave the house. Now you and your date can enjoy a quiet night in and relax together. 

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5 kitchen tools you didn’t know you needed
Happy couple cooking together

Most of us will acquire, over time, the various kitchen tools and countertop appliances that are basically staples — a toaster, maybe a blender, a hand mixer, maybe a knife set. But what about those extra-handy kitchen tools that may be flying beneath your radar? The kitchen tools that no one really thinks to buy for you as a housewarming or wedding gift, but that are useful all the same? Could you be seriously missing out? Here are five kitchen tools you probably don’t have, but that you should definitely add to your culinary arsenal sooner rather than later. 

If you’ve been growing bored with your same ol’ cooking routine, liven things up with a new tool or technique. Make fresh guacamole using your new mortar and pestle, or cook up a batch of your favorite Italian dish using pasta that you made yourself. Or, impress your friends (or just your Instagram followers) with a whipped coffee or latte art. Adding one of the above kitchen tools to your life might just solve a cooking quandary you never knew you had. Who knows? You might just find that you love one of these less-popular cooking tools so much that it becomes your go-to housewarming or wedding gift. 

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Cutting Boards That Will Make You Feel like a Professional Chef
Sliced apples on a cutting board

Cutting boards are an essential part of any kitchen. They allow you to cut, dice, and slice your food without ruining your countertops. In addition, they help keep your kitchen clean and family safe by preventing the spread of bacteria through cross-contamination. 

However, you do not want to grab just any cutting board. High-quality cutting boards, like the ones meant for food service, are not sold just to restaurants. They are also available to the general public to help take your home cooking to the next level. 

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