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Equip your home office with these wellness tools

Even working out of your own home, your day to day is typically very similar to working in an office setting. You spend long hours sitting, looking at a computer screen, and trying (and often failing) to maintain good posture while focusing on the tasks at hand. Luckily, we’ve put together this list of five great wellness products to equip your home office with, ensuring that you’ll have everything you need to relax and ease the aches and pains of work right within your reach. Set yourself up for success by stocking your space with tools that help you take care of you.

Sitting at a desk for long periods of time can cause discomfort not just in your back, but in your legs as well. This heated leg massager is a great way to relax and rid yourself of the aches and pains acquired during the workday. Fully adjustable and with two heating settings and three massage settings for maximum comfort, it can improve circulation and reduce muscle tension from those long hours of sitting while you work.

When you sit for long periods of time it can have a detrimental effect on posture, muscle tone, and circulation. This adjustable standing computer desk is a great solution, allowing you to work while either sitting or standing or anything in between. Strong and solid, this desk can hold up to 225 pounds and saves three memory positions, making it easy and efficient to transition throughout your day.

Many of us often notice unwanted side effects when we stare at a screen for long periods of time – but when you need to for work, it’s important to find ways to relax and mitigate the discomfort that can be caused by the strain of working. This scalp massaging brush is great for improving circulation and relaxation. Used wet or dry, this brush can help with headaches brought on by eye strain and stress.

Working at a computer can often cause strain in the neck, back, legs, and hips, even with frequent breaks to stand or walk. This massage gun can help to loosen knots in muscles and relieve the discomfort caused by poor posture and hours spend sitting or even standing in the same position.

One great way to seriously elevate your workspace is this remote-controlled ceiling fan. The motor is both silent and reversible, allowing you to adjust for the seasons with the press of a button. You won’t have to worry about manually adjusting your fan, and can turn it on or off in an instant without needing to get up and interrupt your work.

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With these products in your arsenal, you can turn your home office into a comfortable space where you’re able to relax and avoid common office stress injuries. Many people don’t even realize how working at a desk can affect their bodies, but small things can add up over time and eventually cause serious health issues. Whether it’s easing the tension of sore muscles, temperature control, or just giving yourself a well-earned scalp massage, these tools can elevate your space and bring some comfort and quality to your workday.

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Essential kitchen tools to elevate mealtime

Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a beginner cooking for the first time, you’ll want to make sure that your food is prepared properly. This means using quality ingredients and having the essential tools to help you make the most of your time in the kitchen. Having the right equipment can help you prepare meals that are both delicious and nutritious. In this article, we’ve gathered together a list of our top picks for the best kitchen tools to elevate mealtime.

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5 products to expand your kids’ and your creativity

As adults, we often push our creativity to the side when we get a real job, but that part of your is still in there and is worth nourishing. There are great ways to spend time with your kids as well and inspire them to be creative. When it comes to the mind, there are many ways to expand creativity.

This could be through a variety of mediums, including art, science and observing the natural world. These products are great ways to get both you and your kids using your brains and having fun at the same time.

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5 Great Seats for Your Bike

Whether you ride a beach cruiser, a mountain bike, a ten-speed, or a Peloton, having a comfortable bike seat can make all the difference to your bike-based workout. Many stationary bikes have no suspension, which can make a soft seat feel firmer, and a firm seat feel downright uncomfortable. Even if your bike has superior suspension, it can only absorb so much impact, which means any added comfort depends on the softness of the seat. And the quality of a stock bike seat made to fit an average rider isn’t likely to be a size or softness that suits your comfort level. A custom bike seat is the solution! Depending on your riding style and your physical requirements, it might take a little trial and error to find a bike seat that works for you. Here’s a list of five possibilities that have been custom chosen for their quality, size, and comfort.


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