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5 Great Seats for Your Bike

Whether you ride a beach cruiser, a mountain bike, a ten-speed, or a Peloton, having a comfortable bike seat can make all the difference to your bike-based workout. Many stationary bikes have no suspension, which can make a soft seat feel firmer, and a firm seat feel downright uncomfortable. Even if your bike has superior suspension, it can only absorb so much impact, which means any added comfort depends on the softness of the seat. And the quality of a stock bike seat made to fit an average rider isn’t likely to be a size or softness that suits your comfort level. A custom bike seat is the solution! Depending on your riding style and your physical requirements, it might take a little trial and error to find a bike seat that works for you. Here’s a list of five possibilities that have been custom chosen for their quality, size, and comfort.

Memory foam and an extra-wide profile make this bike seat an excellent choice no matter your bike preference. Its unisex design is perfect for any fitness or hobbyist rider, and the helpful pressure relief channel prevents excess pain and numbness that can occur from extended riding. It installs easily and is compatible with all major bike brands.

This straightforward seat cover utilizes comfort gel for an extra touch of relief for active riders. The profile is suited for a narrower seat on indoor and outdoor bikes. With an anti-slip surface and a drawstring that lets you secure it as tightly as you need to, you’re sure to stay in place no matter where your bike riding takes you.

Designed with the male rider in mind, this memory foam bike seat is shaped to alleviate numbness and pain that comes from harder seats. Tools are included for easy installation on any major model bike, including Peloton and Schwinn. And there’s dual spring suspension underneath to provide extra comfort and support as you ride!

Extra width on this saddle seat easily accommodates riders of all sizes. The cushioning memory foam interior provides an easy ride with an emphasis on an upright rider who favors leisurely riding. It’s an ideal choice for bike cruisers and street bikes, providing hours of comfort as you coast and enjoy the scenery.

The faux leather covering of this extra-wide paddle saddle lends a touch of style to your leisure or mountain bike. Extra padding and steel springs help distribute pressure evenly for an energizing ride. With a weather-proof slip-on cover included, you can protect your seat from water or sun damage and keep it dust-free while you store it between rides.

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Once you have the right bike seat to suit your needs, you’ll need to tackle installation and adjustments. If your seat of choice doesn’t include tools for installation, be sure to have some on hand to remove the hardware and attach your new seat. Adjust the tilt to accommodate your riding style and remember to raise or lower the seat post to allow for the extra padding that may change the reach of your legs when riding. And don’t forget to tighten everything up once you’ve finished so your seat stays put when you peddle. Think of the whole process as a necessary upgrade that helps you enjoy your bike in a new way. You’ll find riding a much more pleasant workout when you have the right seat for your…well, for your seat!

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Christine is a certified personal trainer and nutritionist with an undergraduate degree from Missouri State University. Her…
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