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You can still exercise at your desk job – give these moves a try

Our bodies are not made to sit at desks all day. Unfortunately, with a collective always-connected perpetually on-the-clock office mindset, many of us are tethered to our tables, staring at our computers for hours on end. This sedentary situation is certainly not doing our bodies, minds, and physical health any favors. On the contrary, sitting at a desk all day has some serious consequences. It impedes our ability to be active, drains our energy, promotes weight gain, and can even cause injury (tech neck, anyone?). What’s more, as noted by the Mayo Clinic, sitting for extended periods of time is linked to an increased risk of high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

Fortunately, despite your inability to get too far from your workstation, performing a desk exercise routine is a creative way to move your body and encourage blood flow – all without making a scene in the open-office or sacrificing your ability to instantaneously reply to emails.

Ready to embrace more movement in your 9 to 5 (and beyond)? We’re sharing some exercises you can do at your desk, in your chair, and while you’re working to move those stiff muscles throughout the day.

Woman working at desk
Jacob Lund/ Shutterstock

Subtle butt clenches

Of all the exercises for sitting at work, this one is as simple and subtle as they get. While seated in your office chair, simply clench or squeeze your tush. Hold for 10 seconds, and then relax. Do this for 10 to 20 reps or for as long as you can manage to keep your glutes going. The gluteus maximus is the largest muscle in the body, so keeping this muscle strong will do wonders for your lower back and core as well.

Abdominal squeezes

Like the glute clenches, this exercise is almost undetectable. Sit up straight in your chair, inhale, and simply squeeze your abdominal muscles in during an exhale. Hold for 10 seconds, and release. Repeat 10 to 12 times.

Leg lifts

Sit in your desk chair, lift and straighten both legs completely, and hold them in place for 8 seconds. Slowly lower your legs to the ground, but don’t touch your feet to the floor. Repeat for 12 reps. Alternatively, you can do this one leg at a time.

Wall sits

If you have your own private office, you might be able to break away from your chair and engage in a few slightly less subtle movements. Wall sits are easy and effective, engaging your lower and upper legs as well as your core. Stand up leaning your back against the wall. Slowly bend your knees and push your back against the wall, sliding down until you are in a seated position. Hold this for 20 to 30 seconds, and then repeat 10+ times.

Pop a squat

Stand behind your desk with your feet positioned together. Bend your knees and assume a sitting position, dropping into a squat. Hold onto the desk in front of you for stability, or, for an added challenge, lift your hands above your head. Hold and release, then repeat for 8 reps.

Use your desk chair

Have a chair on wheels? Use it as workout equipment, and activate your biceps with this easy movement. Sit in your office chair at your desk, push yourself back so that you are just able to reach and hold the edge of your desk. Lift your feet from the floor, and slowly pull yourself towards the desk. Now push yourself back again, all while keeping your feet lifted. Repeat 10 to 12 times.

Desk pushups

Stand up and place your hands on the edge or top of a sturdy desk. Angling your body, do a body push up using the table as leverage and ensuring your body is at a 45-degree angle to the desk. Repeat 10 times.

Stretching your body

Reach your arms over your head and stretch each arm a little taller, alternating sides. Next, slowly roll your head from shoulder to shoulder. Finally, roll your shoulders back in large circles for 30 seconds, then switch directions. These three moves alleviate any tech neck you may feel after a long session hunched over at your desk.

Other ways to get exercise at work

Engaging your body throughout the workday encourages movement during your office hours, sustaining motivation. Additionally, it counters other side effects of office life such as lower back pain and poor blood circulation.

In addition to performing some movements at your desk, there are other methods to squeeze in a mini-workout during the day. Take a far spot in the parking lot or skip the elevator in favor of the stairs. If you’re brave enough to look a little silly, do some jumping jacks at your desk. Heck, reserve a conference room and get your yoga on.

While you’re making changes to your routine, consider upgrading to a standing desk or invest in a yoga ball. At the very least though, be sure to take breaks to stand throughout the day, as emerging research shows standing offers your body a host of healthful benefits. With a little flexibility, you get your work done and get a workout in. Win-win.

BlissMark provides information regarding health, wellness, and beauty. The information within this article is not intended to be medical advice. Before starting any diet or exercise routine, consult your physician. If you don’t have a primary care physician, the United States Health & Human Services department has a free online tool that can help you locate a clinic in your area. We are not medical professionals, have not verified or vetted any programs, and in no way intend our content to be anything more than informative and inspiring. 

Lauren Barth
Lauren Barth is a freelance writer and digital editor with over a decade of experience creating lifestyle, parenting, travel…
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How many times have you uttered the phrase, “There aren’t enough hours in the day?”
People feel busier than ever these days, and it’s put us on a quest to save time. The truth is, we’re not actually busier than we were in the 1960s and 1980s. Many modern factors may contribute to our false sense of business, such as the rise of technology and the ability to send work emails during leisure times, including vacation.
Even though the idea that we’ve never been so busy appears to be false, the bottom line is people value their time and want to spend it doing activities they love. Hence, the desire to streamline our lives and optimize every hour of the day. There are a few small daily habits that save time. Here are three.

Make a to-do list
Creating a list of all the tasks you need or want to complete on a given day may take a bit of time, but it can also help you save it. You’re more likely to remain focused and motivated to work efficiently when you know what you need to do. Once you’ve tackled your to-do list, you’ll find you have more free time to head out with co-workers after-hours or go home and relax.
Though the Notes app on your phone is suitable, consider going old-fashioned by using paper and pencil. Studies show taking notes by hand helps us remember the material better. If you don’t even have to look at your to-do list to remember what’s on it, that can save you time, too (and prevent you from getting distracted by unopened texts or social media notifications).
Though to-do lists are helpful, a recent survey showed three to five people don’t get everything done on theirs. If you’re one of them, it may be a sign you need to prioritize and cut out less important tasks. For example, you may be able to delegate responding to unsolicited sales pitches to someone you supervise. Doing so can get you back on track and save you time in the long run. You can set a limit on the number of items on your list each day, such as three.

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5 great products to help you organize your kitchen
a corner of a kitchen counter. there's a floating shelf above the counter with greenery and kitchen supplies

We spend more time in our kitchens than we may realize. It’s the spot where we brew our morning cup of Joe to start the day and sip chamomile tea to wind down at night. When we have people over, it’s a place to prepare food and so much more. We gather in the kitchen to chat as we nipple on appetizers and sit down for meals there.
Yet, we may not pay as much attention to our kitchen set-up as we do other entertaining areas, such as the living room. It’s understandable. The living room is typically more formal and fancier. However, don’t leave the kitchen out. Keeping it organized can make roasting coffee and hosting guests more streamlined. Here are five essential kitchen organization products.

Our kitchen is an essential and much-used room in our homes. We eat, read the paper, and host in the kitchen. Keeping it organized will make life easier. You don’t want to spend time searching for the perfect pod for a cup of coffee or flour when you need to bake a cake. Invest in containers to ensure your food stays fresh and easy to find. Clear ones make it a cinch to see leftovers and ingredients. Lazy Susans and wooden wine crates are stylish ways to display, store, and serve food and beverages. Make mornings easier with a coffee pod holder that allows you to rotate and see all the flavors available to you.

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