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Essential items for a home first aid kit

Having essential items in our home first aid kit will ensure we are ready for whatever might happen. Of course we will seek appropriate medical care for any illnesses or injuries, but having some supplies on hand can make sure we are well taken care of before we can reach medical aid. Not only do we want to help at the start of an injury, but we also want to make sure we have certain items to assist us in the recovery of injuries.

Here are a few things we might need to make our first aid kit complete.

When the shoulder or arm has been strained, sometimes the arm needs to be completely immobilized as part of the recovery process. This brace will prevent the arm from moving and help reduce pain and swelling. The brace is strong but it is made to wear comfortably. It will work for either the left or right arm and hold it tightly to the body. There are two sizes so ensure a proper fit.

Those who are active in sports may at some point suffer a thigh strain. This brace gives support to the upper leg and applies gentle pressure. The design is made to fit under clothing. It has a snug fit, but it is easy to put on and take off. The breathable fabric is comfortable and it can be hand washed in cold water.

Knees that have suffered strain often do better with support. This brace has spiral rods that give more stability to the knee joint. The comfortable elastic material will support, as well as provide compression to reduce the risk of tissue swelling. It is designed to fit easily under clothes and it will stay in place without slipping down. It can be rinsed in cold water and allowed to air dry.

This calf compression sleeve will brace the calf area and provide stability and support. This can be worn to support an injured area, but also works to prevent strain. The comfortable compression can relieve pain and offers a greater feeling of stability when we are in motion. There are different sizes available to ensure a proper fit. Comes in a pack of two. The fabric can be hand washed and air dried.

Cold packs are a great idea and should be a common object in our freezer. When applied to a bruise or a burn they can reduce discomfort and relieve swelling. We just fill these packs with tap water, close the top and store in the freezer. They are useful for coolers as well as for injuries. The packs will deliver long lasting cold.

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Now we can rest easy knowing that whatever happens we will have the first aid supplies to give care before and after seeing the doctor. Many of the braces come in different sizes so it makes sense to have a size that fits each member of the family.

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