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5 eco-friendly products to show Mother Earth how much we care

It is more important than ever that we do everything possible to look after our planet. Remember that story by Loren Eiseley about the child and the starfish? The boy is walking along the shore throwing washed-up starfish back into the ocean when a passerby remarks that the boy’s efforts can’t make a difference. The boy ponders the remark, picks up another starfish, gently tosses it back into the sea, and kindly replies, “It made a difference for that one.” The point is that a seemingly small gesture can have a profound impact. Every small effort we make as individuals may seem as though it couldn’t possibly matter, but the effects could be enormous. The smallest changes of our todays can mean massive changes for our tomorrows. 

We’ve compiled a list of products that are not only eco-friendly but also easy to incorporate into daily life. We all have tremendous potential to make a difference; the plight of our beautiful Mother Earth is in our hands.

We all have the capacity to make a difference. Change is possible, and with a little bit of effort, protecting our beautiful planet is something we can all take part in. Imagine if we all worked together! We could move mountains.

5 products every bartender needs in their kitchen
Group of friends drinking at a bar

Like a chef needs his pots, pans, and spice rack, every bartender must be equipped with the necessary tools to whip up delicious cocktails. Whether you make your drinks at home or professionally, bar tools are essential for you to get the job done. Having the proper equipment also makes crafting your favorite beverages at home much more fun when you feel prepared. Listen up if you love making cocktails, hosting friends for happy hours, or dinner parties. We constructed a list of 5 products every bartender needs in their kitchen or bar cart so that you can whip up signature cocktails anytime.

Every carpenter needs their tools; every bartender needs their shaker. Making cocktails for yourself, friends or family is easier when you have the proper instruments. These tool kits, carrying cases, gift sets, and cards will make life as a professional or at-home bartender easier than ever before. Get these products if you are a resident drink maker or looking to get started.

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Tea, glorious tea! 5 cool products for the perfect cuppa
Cup of tea with cinnamon

Some people are team coffee while others are team tea. Sure, coffee can help wake you up in the morning, but tea has a plethora of health benefits that can only be found in that glorious cuppa. (On an interesting side note, “cuppa” is an actual word that means a cup of tea.) Tea has a way of making everything better. Its calming effects can be felt from that first sip, as it can help improve your mood, reduce stress, and bring about an overall feeling of wellbeing. As if those weren’t enough reasons to fall in love with tea, it is also full of health-boosting antioxidants which can help decrease the risk of certain diseases.

Tea comes in oodles of different varieties, from caffeinated to herbal and everything in between. Making that perfect cup takes practice, so we’ve gathered a list of items sure to help you become an expert in no time!

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5 products to up your home garden game
gardening workouts woman workout

With spring just around the corner, now is the perfect time to start thinking about your home garden! Growing your own plants can be a great way to connect with nature, and it guarantees fresh, nutritious food right in your own backyard.

Having indoor plants has been proven to reduce stress levels. Taking care of plants can be therapeutic — having the responsibility of taking care of a plant can help provide a sense of accomplishment when that plant thrives and grows. These five great products can help you nurture your green thumb this spring!

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