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5 simple steps to more earth-friendly living

Going green may sometimes feel like a prospect so intimidating, it can often become a stressor. But, in fact, by making a few simple changes to daily habits, transitioning to a more eco-friendly life can be both stress-free and joyful.

The kitchen is an ideal place to start making changes, since it’s where avoidable waste typically occurs. Whether it’s at the grocery store, during food preparation, or when tackling the post-meal cleanup, a more thoughtful approach to food shopping and preparation can pay dividends in a number of ways, reducing a single household’s carbon footprint dramatically. Beyond the kitchen, there are a slew of ways to practice eco-consciousness, and tread more lightly on the earth.

There are, of course, many other, more lofty elements to living more sustainably—from being an informed, discerning consumer, to supporting organic farming practices—but thinking small is the most practical way to ensure any lasting lifestyle changes. By setting clear, attainable goals, the chances of becoming overwhelmed and frustrated by the enormity of any pressing issue are quickly lessened.

The 5 simple, eco-friendly steps, listed above, are sure to have an immediate impact on daily living, and are a reminder that modest improvements to long-established habits can have sizable consequences, for both the planet and to one’s personal wellbeing.

Promila Shastri
Promila is a New York-based writer, editor, and content creator, whose focus is on visual culture—product design…
5 must-have products for everyone in your household
An unmade bed next to a bright window

Are you in need of a quality tray stand that can seamlessly adjust to a recliner, wheelchair, or work desk? Does someone in your house always keep their eyebrows expertly plucked or have tweezers for medical purposes? Have your pillows gotten hot at night, kept you up, and you are looking to restore your sleep? Do you want a perfect accessory for your children to wear to an upcoming wedding or formal event? Are you a hygiene enforcer making sure your children’s teeth are in top-notch condition? From your parents and grandparents to yourself and your children, these five products are great additions to your household and will be everyone’s must-haves.

Choose quality products that will make your everyday tasks easier, help you sleep sounder, have your children looking elegant and polished for any black-tie event, and make oral health a priority. Enjoy your dinners while catching up on your favorite shows, get a change of scenery while working, or replace your cross-legged tray for this one. Pluck those hard-to-reach hairs with tweezers that are not only stylish but effective. Catch up on your sleep with pillows that won't retain heat but leave you feeling refreshed the whole night. Easily clip on your child's tie for formal events and keep your children's teeth pearly white and plaque-free. Your household will thank you.

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bring comfort to your camper van with these 5 products
hiking meet up groups woman view foliage hike

Camper vans have become greatly popular for living and traveling. With all of the necessities that come along with making your van the most efficient, you also don't want to forget the comforts of traveling in a van. While traveling near and far in your new home on wheels, we recommend the following 5 products to make your experience a comfortable one. From staying warm in the winter months, being prepared for outdoor activities, to creating home-like touches to your van, you’ll be glad you spent a little extra money to ensure the comfort of what otherwise would be an amazing experience.

If you haven't thought of all the little things you may need to include on your journey while living in a van, we hope that this product list will be a great start in shopping for the little comforts that will make your experience so much better.

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5 Camping Accessories You Need for Your Next Outdoor Adventure
Three women camp outside of a tent

When you have the right accessories on hand to keep you safe and dry, a simple camping trip can become a full-blown adventure. Tools that protect you from the elements and help you find your way through the wilderness are great for more than just comfort; they add an element of preparedness that lets you relax and explore. And once you have a camping kit equipped with everything you need for a grand excursion, you can be ready to hit the great outdoors whenever the time is right! Here are five crucial pieces of gear to include in your inventory for your next exciting camping odyssey.

Certain pieces of camping gear are a given; tents, coolers, hot plates, and temperature-controlled water bottles are bound to be in your camping kit already. Having tarps and rope handy to create a roof over your tent or a waterproof spread beneath your campsite can prevent you from having to head home early in the event of unexpected weather changes. It can also provide shade and sun protection for hammock enthusiasts who like to take their camping enjoyment to higher elevations. And dependable headlamps and flashlights can be stashed in your vehicle for easy access for those impromptu trips into the wilderness or for general safety on a hike. When every piece of gear contributes to your camping fun, you’re ready for a great trip no matter when you head for the hills!

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